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07/11/12 9:30 AM

#145939 RE: stock_peeker #145937

Caution Is Advised When Trading: (OTCBB: CTDT), (OTCBB: PRHL), (OTCBB: PVTA), (OTCBB: IMSC)

Marketwire - Jul 11 07:00 EDT


Note to Editor; The Following Is an Investment Opinion Issued by the IO NewsWire

NEW YORK, NY -- (Marketwire) -- 07/11/12 -- Is Helping Traders And Investors By Issuing Trend Analysis Reports On: Centaurus Diamond Technologies Inc. (OTCBB: CTDT), Premier Holdings Corp. (OTCBB: PRHL), Preventia Inc. (OTCBB: PVTA), and Implant Sciences Corp. (OTCBB: IMSC).

Centaurus Diamond Technologies Inc. (OTCBB: CTDT) stock traded in the range of $0.23 and $0.34 during its latest trading session. The stock had opened at $0.24 and closed at $0.295, up 47.50 percent from its previous close of $0.20. Centaurus Diamond Technologies stock recorded the volume of 13.45 million shares. Its daily average volume stands at 2.19 million shares. The company's market cap is 33.49 million. Centaurus Diamond Technologies stock has traded in the range of $0.09 and $1.90 during the past 52 weeks. The stock's beta stands at -3.56. Centaurus Diamond Technologies has 113.52 million shares outstanding in the market.

Find out if CTDT will hit the $0.5 mark in the upcoming trading sessions by Reading The Free Trend Analysis Report here: CTDT Stock Report.

Premier Holdings Corp. (OTCBB: PRHL) stock traded in the range of $0.80 and $1.01 during its latest trading session. The stock had opened at $1.01 and closed at $0.86, down 14 percent from its previous close of $1.00. Premier Holdings stock recorded the volume of 47K shares. Its daily average volume stands at 35K shares. The company's market cap is 39.74 million. Premier Holdings stock has traded in the range of $0.05 and $1.50 during the past 52 weeks. The stock's beta stands at -6.76. The company has 46.21 million shares outstanding in the market.

Find out if PRHL will bounce back in the upcoming trading sessions by Reading The Free Trend Analysis Report here:

Preventia Inc. (OTCBB: PVTA) stock closed its trading at $0.63, down 7.49 percent from its previous close of $0.68. The stock had opened at $0.67 and touched its lowest price point at $0.57. Its intraday high price stood at $0.73. The stock recorded the volume of 3.35 million shares, in comparison to average daily volume of 0.27 million shares. Preventia has traded in the range of $0.00 and $0.77 in the previous 52 weeks. The company's market cap stands at 233.18 million and the company has 370.12 million shares outstanding in the market.

Find out what's next for PVTA and if the stocks will pick up steam in the upcoming trading sessions by Reading The Free Trend Analysis Report here:

Implant Sciences Corp. (OTCBB: IMSC) stock traded in the range of $1.16 and $1.52 during its latest trading session. The stock had opened at $1.42 and closed at $1.17, down 22 percent from its previous close of $1.50. Implant Sciences stock recorded the volume of 1.44 million shares. Its daily average volume stands at 0.321 million shares. The company's market cap is 41.94 million. Implant Sciences stock has traded in the range of $0.32 and $1.84 during the past 52 weeks. The stock's beta stands at 2.11.

Find out if there will be an imminent bounce to IMSC by Reading The Free Trend Analysis Report here:

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IO NewsWire