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07/08/12 11:01 PM

#178947 RE: F6 #178929

Political Black Holes .. LOLOL, Gail Collins' is brilliant .. more here .. Satire: Politics

by M. L. Larzelere .. Created on: July 15, 2009

Some people say black holes .. .. are an anomaly of the universe. I say black holes are quirks of the American political system. Scientists define black holes as stars that collapse in upon themselves. The gravitational force being so strong nothing can escape its throes. Not even some of the most rich and famous among us. Now I don't believe it is a coincidence but the same can be said about American politicians.

First one must define what a political black hole .. .. is and what it looks like. A political black hole .. .. can be defined as a collapse of giant political figure that has high aspirations, but faulty judgment, often masked by poor memory. The collapse may be caused by any number of reasons, however the key feature is usually negative press caused by the self destructing behavior of the politician. For example the politician may ask for sexual favors while occupying a bathroom stall. Or, a politician may accept bribes from supporters of their campaign. Often these politicians will keep a mistress or male friend like people keep cookies hidden in the cupboard. They honestly believe they will never get caught, and when they do, its full denial until the other person states the facts. Sometimes the other person will come forward first. Then it's like double jeopardy; does the politician deny the accusation, or admit it. Either way his career as a politician is most likely over, or if not over, downsized to the role of go-fer.

Just like the black holes of the night skies, most of us mortals find them to be an enigma so too are the black holes of our political system. Black holes of our political system appear to have no political allegiance toward any one party. Democratic, Republican, Green, Libertarian, and even Independent parties have suffered their black holes. Whatever happened to the Democratic nominee Thomas Engles? What caused his demise? He admitted to being depressed, and when the press got wind of this, well, we can only assume he is caught somewhere in a black hole forever more to be lost in the political time warp. The same can be said of George Romney who while making a bid for the Republican nomination in 1968 claimed, on the Lou Gordon show, (a show not unlike Larry King .. .. Live today) we were being brainwashed by our own military and political system. Again the press had a heyday with this and it wasn't long before George Romney's political career came to a screeching halt. And soon after he too, fell into the political black hole. Like the super nova collapsing into a neutron star so to do these arrogant high powered politicians collapse into a clump of neural mass.

Comparing heavenly black holes with political black holes I find many similarities. Both are so powerful they suck everything and everyone close to them in. Both leave few clues thus befuddling the mind of all, except perhaps an astrophysicist. At least the astrophysicist has found some evidence for black holes found in the heavens. No such evidence has been found for political black holes here on earth. Finally, while a black hole in the heavens above .. .. and those on earth below are the same in many respects; the political black hole leaves the larger question: to wonder with great curiosity how such a thing could happen.

Learn more about this author, M. L. Larzelere.
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.. you can fondle the bottom two links inside if so inclined ..

F6, i just watched the first 3 of your videos here .. ..
(3 clicks upstream now) .. lol, "Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln" is great! .. his manner and facial expressions, real
chuckle mode stuff .. the cartoon was great, too .. "What's in the data! What's in the data!" .. lol .. EVERYONE
must watch them .. grab your inner kid! .. .. it's EASY AND EXCITING!! .. c'mon, kids! .. you'll love this science .. LOL!