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07/10/12 11:36 AM

#685 RE: lostcowboy #684

Hi LC, Re: Quiet Periods......................

In some ways the quiet is nice but in others it seems strange. 2012 has been an okay year so far and 2011 wasn't that bad (or 2010, etc.). But, it appears that the individual investor's (ii's) confidence has been severely damaged. That plus a contentious election coming this Fall and ii's are just staying away.

That lack of enthusiasm seems to pour over here to these boards. I was just reviewing my college fraternity's alumni investments and found that the account is up about 6-7% for the YTD but just about flat for the Year over Year. At 3 years it is up substantially but flat at the 5 year count. Going back to 9/11/01 the account's value is up around 118%. So, if one is looking at the 1 year and 5 year time frames, there's not much to be excited about.

That account isn't particularly big, so contains just one growth component and one income component. Each is maintained with AIM individually. When and if I get comments back from the other alumni, they usually congratulate me. So, maybe the account is doing okay compared to their own personal accounts.

I saw on the computer news this AM that an Iowa commodities and currency firm is in deep trouble (missing some $220MM) and has frozen accounts while they sort things out. This sort of news isn't anything that is going to help ii's attitude toward the market place.

You've been around for quite a while, so probably remember other quiet times. Usually they occur when the markets are stinky, but this time it appears to be more a case of disinterest. As we know, "This, too, shall change."

Best regards, Tom