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07/07/12 2:02 AM

#19820 RE: mdub #19819

As an endurance athlete myself, I am well aware of how oxygen is transported through the body. Additionally, I have actually heard of wikipedia (shocker). I was surprised you of all posters would misunderstand my words. My point is the DROPS, electrolytes, vitamins, etc. are but passengers in the vehicle, but that vehicle must be of a certain size. I like Emergen-C packets. Very healthy, blase blase blah great, but... without a certain amount of water, I will die regardless. Additionally, no, I do not believe a single drop of liquid will replace what a scoop of Gatorade will do. Love to be proven wrong on that one because, brother, let me tell you, I mix it up every day and would LOVE to do something easier.

Before I inundate you with facts, lets discuss the obvious: Tiger drinks pink stuff in water on course. By his own admission it is "electrolytes from Fuse". It isn't "a DROP from FUSE" because that is not physically possible. Instead of drinking a gallon of water a day, don't you think I would prefer taking a single drop? NEVER going to happen.

Pescatom, while I am an everyday athlete, I am in no way elite...I meant no disrespect. My point was that no one will see a Camelbak on a Kenyan in the Boston Marathon. Frankly, I am constantly thirsty, so if I was a hiker or something similar, I would probably avail myself.
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07/07/12 4:59 PM

#19856 RE: mdub #19819

Both you and Pescatom brought up the same interesting point last night and it is, in my opinion, something the board might think about: Let's say the DROPS can deliver highly concentrated electrolytes. That's great, but those electrolytes must be diluted, or they can kill you, as in dead. So unless I am missing something (happens frequently) that excludes the use of a single drop under-the-tongue application. That leaves us with mixing it up in water and putting it in Camelbaks and such. Okay, well that is easier than toting around a big can of powdered Gatorade and all, but at that point, how are we really different than the "water enhancer" Mio? What's our hook, why are we special?

That's why I always go back to Pharma. We all know if this DROP pen/device can deliver aspirin or vitamins, well, we are going to look very smart. If it can deliver something like Viagra, well then this is going to be the wealthiest board on IHUB, and you are all invited to my yacht.