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07/07/12 12:06 AM

#8931 RE: sandls #8930

You would hope so, but with severe budget cuts and shortfalls, many may be desperate for any way to save money. Governments are typically not the smartest in these things and get sucked into contracts that are bad for everyone except the "provider". I work for a contractor to the Arny and years ago they, the Army, let the contract to a lowest bidder. 6 or so months later the contractor skipped town with employees tax, 401K, insurance money. Eventually the Army ended up biting the bullet on monies but the employees lost all built up sick and vacation leave.

Bottom line, governments can be idiots, just look at out current crop, and do stupid things, don't do research, etc.


07/07/12 10:21 AM

#8934 RE: sandls #8930

Good Post Sandls. Sanity is still alive.I have decided yo leave the Chicken Littles to themselves. No more response to them by me.And NO to any who may wonder. I am not RH whoever he is.