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07/04/12 11:33 PM

#90 RE: b4atf #89

Me too, wife had to work so I just cut down a big pine!
she is home now and i'm bbq weeee!


07/05/12 4:00 AM

#92 RE: b4atf #89

What the HELL! You should have been with us. : )

We had a great time. Vietnamese Tacos (Nem Noung), Hebrew Nationals, BBQ'd Chicken and Ribs.
Watermelon and Cantalope, Cal Tjader and Eddie Palmieri played in the background. We danced and laughed and talked into the dark of night. And then celebrated my son in law's birthday three days early. Red, white and blue cake my daughter Angie made. FANTASTIC! Topped with fresh off the vine Blueberries (the blue) and Raspberries (the red). She's a EXCELLENT baker. Her cakes are to die for.

Aguardiente from Ecuador poured into Grenadilla Blasters, beer, wine, family and friendship..

Fireworks all around us.