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1st Comm Squadron

07/04/12 3:34 PM

#738 RE: junewong #737

Congrats on your release lol. I. Cant reply privately cant afford an account right now im broke. Sent you an email though .... on my Yahoo account happy 4th :)
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07/05/12 6:21 AM

#739 RE: junewong #737

BFDI currently sitting above the 50-SMA. Interesting is all 16,000 shares on Monday were short sale and am not sure how that is going to play out since Tuesday was a buy of 1,000 shares on the ASK @ .54 and BID support moved up to .51 cents. I'm speculating that the short seller is sitting on the BID at .475 with his 16,000 shares. Not sure that he is going to get them. Looking at the 6 month chart it appears that we have broken the downward trend and are moving up. If we can break .56 resistance I believe that will become the new support. Accumulation is looking good as well. If anyone else has any comments please feel free to chime in. THANKS!!!