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07/03/12 11:39 PM

#7402 RE: Market_Fest4 #7397

MarketFest, Nanosphere does look interesting. I see their diagnostic test was just approved, and they had another test approved last year, plus there will be one more test up for approval later this year. With the recently approved bacterial test, the doctor gets the results back within several hours rather than several days, so it sounds good. Today the stock was upgraded by Jefferies, with their previous $2 target raised to $5.

Chart-wise, it gapped today and moved up on big volume, but then faded in the last hour of trading and left a bearish tail (bearish candlestick), so you need to watch it closely on Thursday. Sometimes with a pattern like that, a stock will continue to fade for a period of days (back into the gap), but other times it will move right back up into the upper tail of the previous candlestick. Either way though, longer term the stock looks interesting, with a good cash position and no debt. I'll put them on my watch list. Diagnostic companies are usually a lot less risky than regular bios, and Nanosphere appears to have a good relationship with the FDA -

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07/04/12 1:10 AM

#7404 RE: Market_Fest4 #7397

MarketFest, Speaking of the banking cartel and their diabolical plans, you might want to check out Benjamin Fulford on You Tube. I remember hearing him interviewed once on the Alex show, but I only recently dug deeper into the topic. It's a mindblower to be sure, and goes something like this -

Fulford was a Canadian journalist for Forbes Magazine covering the Asia Pacific region, and he's been living in Japan for many years. He was very aggressive in writing articles exposing the rampant corruption in Japanese business and politics, and eventually was threatened by various entrenched interests there. However, a large and ancient Asian secret society (Society of the White Dragon) liked what he was saying, and came to his aid to protect him.

Fulford already knew the basics of the NWO and their depopulation agenda (the plan to reduce world population to under 1 bil). The brunt of this population reduction was to be in Asia, using a race specific bio weapon (a version of SARS was to be used in Asia, much like AIDS/HIV was developed for Africa). Anyway, this large Asian secret society (which goes back centuries) found out about the Western globalist's plans, and to prevent them from instituting the plan, they threatened to assassinate the 10,000 leading Western globalists and banking families. This was to be accomplished by a sect within the White Dragon society who are modern day 'ninjas'. The White Dragon Society has approx 6 million members across Asia according to Fulford, and 100,000 ninjas.

(from Wikipedia - >>> Ninja - a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan who specialized in unorthodox warfare. The functions of the ninja included espionage, sabotage, infiltration, and assassination, and open combat in certain situations.[1] Their covert methods of waging war contrasted the ninja with the samurai, who observed strict rules about honor and combat <<<)

Anyway, Fulford's story seemed so bizarre when I first heard it several years ago, that I only recently started digging deeper to learn more. To anyone familiar with the topic of the NWO, the West's depopulation agenda is no secret. It would make sense that organized Asian resistance would develop to the West's plans, and according to Fulford, the dominant Western secret society/cabal (Illuminati) is being opposed by the largest Asian secret society (Society of the White Dragon). Elements within the US Pentagon are also reportedly putting up resistance against the banking cartel. In any event, it's an interesting topic to research if you find yourself bored on a long weekend.