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Replies to #525 on VORTEX AIMing
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07/02/12 8:55 PM

#526 RE: Conrad #525

Hi Conrad

Im not the original author of the enhanced method. It was the IT guy at work . He got me interested in aim and such. He left a while ago when we down sized . To give credit due his first name was Paul.

If i remember correctly it was 50/50 cash stocks . A 10% safe. No minimum trade size. classic aim.

His enhanced method was to divide the resulting buy or sell amount by .5 to enhance it. He said it was like having virtual shares and diminished lichellos flaw. Again it is from memory . i.e if amount was originally 100 in aim . The resulting new action amount is 100/.5=200 dollars.

I never saved the results of various runs . I will report back when I do.

Thank you
