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06/30/12 2:23 PM

#65572 RE: Hawksfan #65570

How hard is it to achieve a billion dollar valuataion if you are producing economic quantities in two different countries? Obviously theres a ramp up period, but historically junior miners run P/E ratios up to like 50 based on that very potential.

Theres a very real chance we could surge well past what the company is truly worth, just on speculation and trading madness alone, but it will certainly still find its true value at an extremely high level IMO.

I dont like throwing the dollar prediction out there because it looks absurdly lofty on the surface, especially sitting here below a penny. But we know markets are irrational, so who is to say we dont test that dollar at some point. Hell, LEXG ran to MULTI-dollars on NOTHING. Now throw audited financials at a world that demands total transparency and youve got a WMD (Weapon of Millions of Dollars) primed and ready for deployment to a hub near you.



06/30/12 2:25 PM

#65573 RE: Hawksfan #65570

forget about a dollar... nice thought but a step back will tell a the logical investor to dial it down some.

I can't speak for anyone else... but 10 cents on my cost basis sits well with me.

BTW Hawk, there are factors that can move this tremendously that are way beyond plan old text book valuation theory. But I'll bet you know this.

Also, no disrespect to you but you've been knocking sney plenty. When current is acheived and Q-2 comes timely, you need to get on the right side and stop grinding your nose to spite your face. I think you will because I truly believe you don't know what some others know (other than very late fins) about the company.


06/30/12 2:48 PM

#65577 RE: Hawksfan #65570

Your a Seachicken fan and don't believe in longshots, that's funnier than this being valued at more than a billion bucks... I have been a Seachicken fan since 76 so I know as well as anyone about believing in longshots.

Considering we were trading around .02 last yr with no production, a ce, an a long ways from being current, I for one think your estimate of a nickel is extremely low.

I remember watching lexg go to 10 bucks last yr on a lot less than the potential we have here, and there were others that flew on less over the last yr as well.

If the company can come through on the paperwork, and their findings are even a little better than early estimates. then this could run pretty high I think.

I for one will be riding this out for a lot more than a nickel.