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06/28/12 4:15 PM

#65357 RE: Jim46 #65346

You make an assumption I am not invested in sney, I will remind you about the old saying about one who assumes. :)

I have bought all I am going to buy at this point, so if it goes up I will be happily suprised, but that has nothing to do with my point, which was we have heard this song and dance before, in fact if memory serves a month and a half ago when the last Q came out we were going to be CURRENT by eom; ie tomorrow.

However as we can all see that too is not going to happen. So before I congradulate anyone for bringing us such "great" news I for one will see if this predicition comes true before I congradulate anyone.

He may look good in his spandex outfit as he gets around saving cats in trees and others in peril, but so far his predictive powers based on his contact with the company has not been very impressive.

Following on his Mayan joke of sorts, at least they were able to build a calender which rivals our best atomic clock in accuracy in regards to keeping time. So based on current track records if I had to make a bet right now about who is more likily to be right in predictions, I think I would bet on the Mayans...... just saying.