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06/27/12 12:58 PM

#49105 RE: Hurricane_Rick #49104

HR: I think you are being a bit obtuse claiming you don't see the relevance of his story. He's simply saying that a mining operation got up and running quickly under supposedly much more difficult circumstances than MDMN's.
However, as regards relevance, I agree that MDMN cannot easily be compared with any and "all mining operations," as you say. JJ's efforts to acquire contiguous properties over more than a decade have resulted in a large, strung-together piece of land that is only lately of a size that can attract big investors. The hope among many of us longs is that while efforts seem stalled, everything may come together ultimately and perhaps even suddenly. There is such a lack of transparency with this company that we can invent both worst-case and best-case scenarios. It may be seen as either "Laurel and Hardy Go Mining," or as a World Class Mining Operation that shocks the mining community.


06/27/12 1:18 PM

#49106 RE: Hurricane_Rick #49104


The relevance is that from the point of the first pick-axe, and single shovel of dirt to the actual production of gold for this miner in the cold frozen climate, even with the obstacle of weather, being shut down for nine months of the year, the infrastructure went up, (clearing timber, building roads while having to traverse wide creek beds and iced over terrain) building housing, building smelting areas, hauling huge equipment to the site, setting up camp, with all this, it took three years to produce gold.

Sure, it has been known for some time, certainly longer than three years ago, that these claims of Medinah's are rich in metals and minerals around Santiago, along with the deep deposits, there are supposed tailings that can be smelted. And just how long does it take, when properly equipped, to drill through the mountain? How long does it take to convince the major miner that these 1500+ claims are really worth spending $7M to explore. Rick, it's either worth exploring or it's not. Enough of these very soon, funding is imminent on and on.

Yes you did misread. My reference to shutting down the mine was not to Medinah, but to the other one that is located in the frozen tundra nine months of the year where it gets to 50 below, and has all the obstacles in the way, and yet it is being mined in very short period of time from the first pick-axe going into the ground.

Please be candid Rick. You have to have some degree of frustration, if not frustration, then dome degree of question as to why it is taking so long, while we sit and wait, and read the extrapolated messages from the leaks and announcements made from the top. Don't you agree that it has reached a point of even asking the simple question? What is there left, when there was nothing left to do but sign the agreement. Isn't it ridiculous for them to keep us in suspense. They never come out and tell us anything of substance. It is always "let's see what tomorrow brings" kind of statement.

Stock dividend? When they issue hundreds of millions of shares and pay out a 10% stock dividend, it is supposed to keep shareholders satisfied? Don't you have any questions about the way things are continually delayed.

I understand your average sp cost is really low along with other early "investors". I congratulate you on what is now for you a tremendous investment. But, does a profitable position lull you to the point that you don't even ask what is going on in Medinah land? Again I ask with all respect, don't you ask yourself why are things the same, but only a year or two later? Why can't JJ close a deal?

Maybe he will come through in the end, but the process would have been truly excruciatingly tedious. I have had some friends in this stock who finally have had to take a tremendous loss and close this chapter.

Sorry, I think this is a legitimate question to put to any shareholder, not just you.


06/27/12 2:20 PM

#49113 RE: Hurricane_Rick #49104

how's that gorilla rick?

Eerily similar to last year that's for sure. Mike gold is now saying we may not get funded, any thoughts on that reversal? ""Will our partner cough up the money or not?" And how about this new talk of LDM being better than alto? See the pattern? It's unfortunate that some here got suckered in by the "done, done, done." When I saw that video I knew he was lying. But that is the lesson learned of the pink sheets, never believe a word they say. All promise, no delivery,lots of smoke and mirrors,and company plants. I'm just glad I didn't get my mom in at 12 cents, she would be furious to know mike gold is now saying we may not get funded