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David Fowler

06/26/12 9:47 PM

#26141 RE: MASTERTRADER #26140

Nah, just another bloated prediction. .12$ not coming this week either :-)
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06/27/12 10:01 AM

#26145 RE: MASTERTRADER #26140

I am really happy if people want to buy in at sub $0.04 and gamble on a pump / crash cycle that they can make a 25%-50% bump on. Fine by me. It is a big gamble, and you could get burned, but them's the rules, and I (sorta) admire you for doing it.

What burns me is people puffing out BS to "pump" a stock (pointlessly: no Board posting ever really moved a stock more than a fraction of a %) when the fundamentals, corporate weaknesses, governance failures and sheer economics all point to the stock continuing to fall in the medium term.

so, everyone, go ahead: trade your brains out; just don;t buy and hold this, and whatever you do, don't try to pump so as to scam n00bs into buying a loss from you. ;-)

I'm an "all long" investor on fundamentals, 30 years in, and have antennae that steer me well clear of bad management and smelly deals. Long term, I've never lost money (*)

SAPX has bad management, bad economics, bad deals, and a bad bad problem in the heart of its business.

(*) except on an index tracking PoS a few years back, won't be doing that again!
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06/27/12 12:20 PM

#26156 RE: MASTERTRADER #26140

$.20, I would take $.10 at this rate. Hope you are correct, lots of bagholders in this POS.