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06/26/12 6:33 PM

#188010 RE: Serenity #188008

Hi Sunshine:
From what I have experienced about all this boo Haaa. Is that Eric is doing a fairly decent job in a lousy Market. If nothing else happens differently(or so it goes) The concept of capturing a greater share of the market need a change of proceedure. To stick with a one product does all concept will not make it in the market place Eric is after. The average household does not need or consider as super good PAINT STAIN REMOVER. A proposed best damn household cleaner would fly off the shelves in comparison. You can take the same product and vary it in many ways, such as a diluted bottle of 20/1 of 1000+ could be sold for many many household boo boo's. And most likely mfg. at 1/3 the present cost and double the present profit margin. And be sold at a more tempting price about half of what the cost is now.
The present product can be promoted as professional grade with no changes. It's all part of marketing game. If you consider the difference of 1 in 10 being interested in your product and the other of 1 in 1000 trying your product. It's like do you want to make $4.00 per unit and sell 150,000 units or make $2.00 per unit amd sell $1000,000.. A correlation easily obtainable when comparing a large demand for product to a sometimes need for households. Everyday household cleaner, Professional grade paint stain remover, Both working side by side.
It can be done and should be done. JMHO


06/26/12 7:40 PM

#188015 RE: Serenity #188008

Yep that blog was hilarious when that lil lost devil in the details was so easily exposed.

But I still find the infamous December 2011 "100 hotels" blog with the bold 2012 100 hotel revenue prediction claim one of the most hilarious blog carrots of record>>>

Winning Brands considers a next threshold target of 100 properties to be within reach in 2012, conservatively, based on the emerging Stage2 operating system that has been developed to serve this sector. The targeted 100 properties are likely to contribute approximately $600,000 per annum.[/b]

Only to put out a subsequent "hotel revenue prediction answer" after the 2012 Q1 fins hit chock full of the usual excuses/backtracking from earlier bold statements the CEO clearly made>>>

Question to Eric: Why wasn't the Hotel Initiative on the latest quarterlies .
Thank you very much indeed for reaching out with your question. You are welcome to share as you consider appropriate.

The highlight list feature of the Interim Reports serves as a quick recap of significant events, along the lines of threshold moments or activities. The work going on in the hotel industry in Q1 did not present new issues. While there were some new properties, we do not have permission to reveal their names at this time. The hotels find it unhelpful in their dealings/negotiations with other suppliers if we publicize their product purchasing preferences. Therefore, from an operational highlight point of view, the hotel sector was simply not a "highlight" operational event for the Quarter.

The reason that the early 2012 sales figure does not reflect hotel sector activity is that pre-ordering took place in late 2011 by our distributor for this sector. Replenishment was simply not required yet. There has been a distortion by a few people about what I said the impact of the hotel sector would be upon our 2012 sales figure. The figure that I provided of approximately $500 per property (over a certain size) multiplied by 100 properties requires those properties to be in existence for a year for full effect.

One last point, we are also making a key policy decision about whether to invest in pumps for the 20L bottles to facilitate the larger accounts or whether to concentrate on the smaller properties for the moment (of which there are plenty).

Your interest is much appreciated.


Eric Lehner, CEO

(705) 737- 4062, Extension 5881


06/27/12 9:34 AM

#188023 RE: Serenity #188008

Oop. my bad. Thanks to my blog summary it as easier to find.
Also the seach function on hte blog web site works great too.

May15 School Days – Testimonial

Testimonials by Eric Lehner

This testimonial photo received today from a school teacher. They were “painting the plow” at their school with resilient paint recently. Teachers and students were finding the paint mess on skin and clothing harder to remove than they had anticipated. One teacher had a bottle of 1000+ Stain Remover at the school and within moments of starting to use it they made clean-up headway and were completely satisfied with the results. According to the teacher, many comments followed by other teachers saying …”how great this “stuff” works and how do they get some for themselves …” Many thanks to this teacher for her initiative in this situation and for letting us know that we were able to be of service. Just one bottle, a thousand solutions.