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06/26/12 10:21 AM

#22283 RE: TJG #22282

The problem is WAFR was a aham from the start. Kaudere's sidekick and handyman Polistena does not possess the skills or even the aptitude to be the CEO of any company. Polistena should stick to following Dani around!
You are correct tho, Srafford has absolutly nothing to do with any decisions about WAFR, he is a figure head only. As i have stated many times, once he becomes aware of exactly what is going on, how investors are being fleeced, he will be history. WAFR will be the only blight on an otherwise illustrious career and that is a real shame. Dog, untied now


06/26/12 10:25 AM

#22284 RE: TJG #22282

this company does have a very well respected General at the helm in the board room

Are you sure, because martinsi stated just the other day in post #22014 that "At some point soon, Ele will no longer be involved as the Board of Directors will solely make decisions for the company"

You said,

I have seen more blunders and boob moves by those in charge of this one stock alone then I have seen in a half a dozen other penny's I have been in. Money wasted on smoke and mirror promos, focus on "supposed" shorts when it should have been put on getting this merger and the finns done on a timely basis... investors left to just speculate from reliable good information only to have their investment go in reverse.... the nucleus for a good and profitable company is there... but the management of it is far less equipped to handle it then what we were led to believe they were.

Who is really in charge at WAFR? Is there a reason finns from CWS have been promised since February at least and STILL have not appeared? Surely there would be a PR of real contracts and real revenue by now if they existed, not just PRs about an OUT OF SERVICE trucking company adding more trucks or $120,000 in projected consulting fees with one Chinese manufacturer. What happened to Seagate and Western Digital? There was $14M proforma revenue for 2012. 2012 is half over. As my BFF would say, "tick tock."

What does seem to be operational is a trucking company in Florida of which APII was named as a manager member along with Gary and Theresa. Hmmmm, you don't suppose that company is getting all the NEEL trucks...


06/26/12 11:14 AM

#22290 RE: TJG #22282

You mean, they call that "management?" LOL