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Y U Axing Me

06/25/12 12:29 PM

#81157 RE: thatguy157 #81155

oooopppppssss!!! Didn't know it was you. I change my stance, then...great quality ;-)

I'm not sure a trademark is a step in franchising, per se. I still stand by my opinion, that they're not even close to getting a franchising program (one that is recognized by a State) implemented this year.

It's pinksheet hype, if you ask me.

The Q2 financials I suspect will be better prepared. I have seen progress in the company’s financials every quarter. Q2 release next month will be a big day for this issue.

I don't know, bud. They have a corrected financial statement, but have done nothing to file them. They're not current. I'm assuming (as there has been no announcement) that the same person will be doing the financials for Q2. Why expect a difference? Frankly, I'd rather see the financials the way they were perviously...when they tied out. It's peculiar that the company would spend money to bring on a new financial person, then the quality of reporting decreases. I would expect otherwise.

I still don't understand why they won't fix them...especially since it's already been done for a really cool guy.