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06/25/12 11:53 AM

#64925 RE: risk on #64924

Darrow is not a word I am familiar with, but I think I get your meaning. Though you don't see yourself in that manner, you do jump to the defense of the company everytime someone voices a complaint about the progress or lack there of in regards to the company.

I am not sure why your ongoing defense of sney makes you defensive about it now. (shrug) Didn't mean it to be an insult, just pointing out my observations.

Actually your first sentence was "They are a Pink sheet stock" or words to that effect without me going back and reading the post.

As I have already stated, in the context used that is an excuse, and implies we shouldn't expect anything else. Sure you then went on to express agreement that it is sney's fault they are behind with their paperwork, but you prefaced it with the above quoted sentence and implication I already expressed.

We could go round and round about this and get no where, so I am done with it. I voiced my sentiments about the ongoing bs that is the sney paperwork on a forum that is about SNEY. Sorry if someone pointing out the bs offends you or anyone else.

It's kinda odd to me that so many take such points so personally, and suggest the only anwer is to sell.... I guess this forum only wants to discuss the How great it's going to be when and if they finally do get their heads out of their arses.

On that note I will let you go back to that scenerio, can you hear Bali's drums?


06/25/12 12:06 PM

#64928 RE: risk on #64924

I got one more thing to add. This was my first post which started this little side thread:

looks like ongoing delays from managment in releasing the paperwork to get current is going to bring the pps back down.

as much potential as this company has, it is just amazing to me how incompetent they are in regards to getting their friggin paperwork done.

What a friggin joke.

as the pps moves down to .0063 looks like my earlier statement is coming true.

Yeah when they finally get their act together and get the k out we may well move back up, but until they get their sheet together on the paperwork end we are sucking hind teet.