Yes Dex, it almost appears as though there are some boys at play here that got ahold of some of that BAIL OUT MONEY that was supposed to trickle down to the common man, and small business.
But instead, it is being traded around the world by JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, and even the Vatican - but, it will soon be uncovered and they won't be able to continue to "STEAL" peoples money.
PCX is about to rebound.
Oh yes, the MM's, supposed to stand for Market Makers
have indeed become Market Manipulators.
You can see it all over the boards, especially in the ETF's.
The stock market is no longer working the way it was intended to be. Instead, it has become the worlds largest poker table, and many of the players are gambling with your and my TAX PAYER money.
I guess, I would call it the largest ponzi scheme of all time now. (that being the trillions of dollars the FED printed out and sent out across the globe to launder) the VATICAN is highly implicated, and FINALLY IF WE ARE LUCKY, they will fall.