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06/23/12 9:53 PM

#856 RE: dmlabuda #853

I have struggled with the concept of making a living performing/recording other people's music to derive a suitable income and trying to pursue my personal musical growth and maintaining artistic excellence. Playing weddings, social functions, touring, etc. have their merits but most of us would prefer to express ourselves and pursue our truest artistic visions.

And although I have worked with some successful popular artists and many brilliant unknown musicians spanning many genres, as I have gotten older I SO admire those who focus on THEIR own personal music/art and pursue that instead of trying to do music that may not be to their personal taste to earn a living. It can become quite the balancing act. I think it's wonderful that you get to exercise your creativity as a musician/artist while generating an income from trading...I'm hoping to do the same so I can be more particular about how i spend my time musically and otherwise..

I admire your passion for refining your craft which is a lifelong endeavor and wish you the best in developing your music to your highest standard...I hope one day I get to hear your work. Continued success...yes once we are touched by the muse it will always be in our soul.

I am loving trading although not very good at it as of yet and am so inspired by what I have learned from you about technical analysis with charts...again thank you for your insight.