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06/22/12 7:42 PM

#12784 RE: nisse44 #12780

Nisse/Mauiguy: maybe you guys misread this line in post #12008:

This is why historically we plan and conduct all major PR campaigns in September such as the tour, video etc..

my read of that is they plan to wait until after the summer months (when lots of fund managers and large investors are in vacation) before launching major PR campaigns like roadshows, meetings... to beef up support from institutions. It makes good sense, what management chooses to do roadshows during the summer? A PR campaign is not the same as bringing out PR's about single events that you guys are talking about. I am pretty sure if there's a PR-worthy news tomorrow (like an important new contract, launch of a franchise concept or an equity position in a new retail opportunity...) we will see a PR about it, just like the various frequent PR's we have seen in the past. (Btw: flooding investors with PR's almost every week like CNTF did in the past can have a reverse effect, I have seen it firsthands).

But postponing important news until after September? nah, you probably read too much b/w the lines.

As for the pics and videos: I am sure you guys know they are working on updating the website and the IR portal to help with the aforementioned PR campaign planned for the fall. While it's easy for a private investor to request certain pics or videos to be uploaded, updating a company website with so many moving parts as SIAF is not something that can be rushed or done in amateur ways.
Or would you prefer to see them do a half job just to please a few small investors. make a bunch of mistakes and have to do it over and over and... get taken apart by malicious shorts?

Ever heard of the phrase: "You've got one chance to make a first good impression" ?