actually, that closure was only for the issued subponea's on the feltang and suspicion of violating the corrupt practices act that offor's attorney failed to comply with. nothing else regarding the company.
I never said or even implied there was any wrongdoing and having those past investigations cleared away has NOTHING to do with our current BOD. They are two completely different issues.
What I did say is that Blair being on the BOD is a conflict of interest and it is. How can anyone possibly justify having the CEO of a competing oil company sitting on our BOD? As I have said, Blair is the most qualified perosn on our BOD but we need some others that don't have a conflict of interest and that do have some relevant experience in running an oil company.
I think having a very weak BOD and a very weak management is seriously impacting this company and its ability to move forward. If you don't believe me, just look at the current share price. That tells the whole story.