not only that but the selected input offers only one side of the story
which can be read about about *IN TOTAL* (cause) it's *easily* sourced with the time frames <and specific details> known in >> er >> total
but then again that is why all are responsible for their own DD
if the firm taking a position is considered a negative clearly other options (equities) exist
oh and understand exactly why the shorts angst is *ratcheting up*
the usual hasn't cut it since the PROS' *digestion* of the latest investors in P2O >> the scenario went as i called
JBII's *volume* crept up initially >> *reg sho was diluted* and now their years of BS have finally caught up to them
they are a between a rock and a hard place >> with the whip hand held by JBI's mgmt >> whose AGM is being held in approx 4 weeks and the great unknown of which *pps altering event* gets filed next :)
gee what is coming next besides another day with threshold *hit*