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06/20/12 2:26 PM

#66478 RE: 654321 #66477

lol. Ever consider that if JRB wasn't such a fraud and a thief to his shareholders that his court removal would have never been an option or an event? But for the fact that JRB dishonestly used idcn as an empty shell vehicle, idcn would be where it is at today which is dead and over! FYI, Ken wasn't the shareholder who was successful in the court judgement removing the Bruhjells as directors. The shareholder appointed Ken as custodian. This wasn't Ken's court case.

I say reinstate JRB at least this was trading when he was Pres

<---tell it to the shareholders who bought in at like .003 and .0031. Trading at .0002 was pretty much losing your entire investment already. Jeffrey wasn't going to get idcn back to these type levels. He just wanted to dilute some more. How gorgeous would idcn be today trading if Jeffrey was allowed to take some 2.5 billion more shares? So you'd get 3 cents on the dollar vs 0. Isn't that basically the same thing?


06/20/12 2:36 PM

#66480 RE: 654321 #66477

LOL so true


06/20/12 4:14 PM

#66489 RE: 654321 #66477

Had Ken and the "investor" not taken it to court the sale of the shell to Oxygen Orchard (which was already completed, but rendered null and void by the court) would be in effect, there would most likely have been a reverse split but for the very first time in over a decade shareholders would own part of an actual, real company with a revenue stream and not a work of fiction written from someone's couch.

Go Ken Go!