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06/20/12 1:52 PM

#17723 RE: Johnnyvits #17722

"Numerous"=Forward looking, story telling, type pixie dust.

Don't get me wrong you are dead right why didn't Identa TOUT these newly converted buyers? I think it was a question of priorities John. You the shareholder NOT being one of them. Yes sir no question, it was a golden opportunity to really get behind shareholders and responsibly promote a pivotal break through in sales.

Why was management not willing to practice Fiduciary Duty here...a rare but PERFECT opportunity. Even then I think they were to focused on selling shares even then they were bleeding cash. Don't forget in this same PR they mention how complicated it was selling a known superior product. The CEO said it right there the kits were not selling! Then as now Identa was playing on future potential only difference is this time it's retail who is scheduled to come through and save this company. Then it was Stingers which if you recall became new and improved Stingers with the same forward looking sales pitch. That constant is prevalent at almost any time in Identa's history. Selling the future potential instead of focusing on today's achievements. The reason? Sales were not significant enough IMO. That is a fact I recall this CEO telling me in emails such and such sales occurred but they were to small to be PR'ed and no amount of pleading to disclose these sales was going to change that. His justification was because they were to small they would be chastised and not well received.

That history of reluctance to transparency is why I have been adamant about the lack of Fiduciary Duty, the lack of meaningful governance, the hesitance toward transparency. Identa said they were going Current Information Reporting even after the Caveat Emptor status this CEO is still implying we are going Current Information Reporting it's just that he is not disclosing progress or achievement to that end. Again John it's more story telling of future potential again and again that is Identa's legacy, a nice story and no results. Yet you don't hear of management starving instead the CEO just flew to China from what I can pry out of that last PR!!!???

Sorry man , something is not right here Mr. Pixie-dust is just not adding up. MHO