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06/18/12 10:24 PM

#12111 RE: Bucks4Buckeyes #12110

All good commentary. And who really knows? But that's kind of the problem as I see it. Private company books are private, so it's yet another leap of faith.

As for the computer thing, that is super-duper power in those laptops these days, Mac or PC. They can do multi-stream real-time HD video processing and render incredible effects almost on the fly. Stuff that only 5 years ago took small render farms (multiple slave machines) in the same time. The price of power has come down. Only the most demanding games and applications (genome processing, heavy 3D, etc) would demand a tower with specialized cards. Of course, niche pro audio and video and CAD stuff still like big boxes with dedicated processor cards and more CPU/GPU. But for what we do (heavy graphics and code compiling and video compression), these machines crank right through it, very affordably. And they stay relevant for 3years+ as they trickle down through the org.