Things certainly point to that being part of what's going to be announced and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if that's the case.
However, being a longtime observer of this company, any announcement of that sort is likely to be vastly overstated and contain more speculation than truth. I already posted what I guess it's going to be about.
Walmart has a "local supplier" program that allows local businesses to get their products on the shelves of their local Walmart. It's not a national placement, it's local. But any placement in a Walmart, no matter how limited, would be spun by this company as the tip of the iceberg, suggesting that it's a sure thing the products will be selling by the truckload in every Walmart on the planet in no time, which is nothing but speculation. I'm not seeing a huge demand for this type of product anywhere.
Simply being able to legitimately use the word Walmart in their PRs will be all the fuel the company needs. They are suggesting they won't need further dilution, but they haven't said they won't do it. Walmart or not, if the sales don't meet projections, you can bet your bottom dollar that they will start right back again with the epic dilution. A zebra doesn't change its stripes.