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06/16/12 10:07 PM

#943 RE: gitreal #941

Because it is what it is're the one claiming that Jenkin's report isn't accurate, which keep in mind, was done in 2005. You and a few others claimed that Jenkins was revoked by the CPG, when in fact, he resigned not long ago. You claim you've seen the Steve Lewis report, but yet provide NO proof! Sick of you and this boards attack on GDSM!

I also find it funny how YOU take so much time out to bash certain mining stocks and claim to be a geologist. Doesn't add up to me...we're penny stocks, lol...some turn out great and some don't. Apparently there are over a 1000 shareholders banking on GDSM to be a great stock and have almost 700 followers just on ihub alone.

People need to keep in mind that you're just another message board poster with zero credentials and all you're actually doing is stating an opinion. Period!

What I do know about GDSM is this:

750M A/S
NO R/S stated
NO increase, all is being done within the current authorized shares!
Warrants .10 and .15 CENTS

another thing amazes me is how a few on this board find the time to pm many of the GDSM posters, lol