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06/15/12 8:16 AM

#74867 RE: mattysimone #74866

Sounds like a plan to me! Thrilled to have RFMK in my portfolio!

T H R I L L E D!!!!!!!!!




06/15/12 8:21 AM

#74868 RE: mattysimone #74866

And good morning to you and all the other RFMKers who believe that nothing but good is on the way.

CC is now only a few days away, shipment of CannaCigs have been received, the sun is out, the temps are fantastic, the tall ships are in the harbor and the Blue Angles are flying over Ft. McHenry. Who could ask for anything better as we sailibrate 200 years since the war of 1812.

The troups at Ft. McHenry defended our country like us longs defend the growth of RFMK.