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06/14/12 10:42 AM

#1591 RE: Rob~daBanca #1590

I think it's an offshore housing track deal.....
Coding; while a great accomplishment I don't see it resulting in immediate returns. It's an organic growth event that will bolster domestic sales and classify and certify us.
Financing; an expected event. I heard we were running on fumes but turning away money that would have resulted in not so good terms for us - we were holding out for a healthy deal... Seeing that we have immediate employment opportunities available - I suspect that we are again solvent.

I think Steve got coding.
I think Steve landed a deal (- Haiti, Jamaica, Saudi, Gahna... Etc...) and that deal has financed us.
IF Steve landed that Offshore Deal! & I think he did. We will likely see national prime time news regarding the event. ECOB + AP article = Dollar Land