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06/14/12 11:25 AM

#177343 RE: F6 #177331

It's only sensible for Canada to export their tar sands to their west coast.
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06/14/12 1:39 PM

#177347 RE: F6 #177331

It's a good thing to read that 'in spite' of the harper government .. the resistance is STILL so high & effective against big oil's dirty rotten filthy plans to trample on and RISK all habitats, plus add big time carbon footprints, endanger all environments including drinking waters etc.. .. etc... but STILL the people have been successful at blocking them, so far .... that's good news ..the thing is it looks as if harper is determined .. and of course we know big oil is ...let them do it off of their coast .. and send it to China ... better there than here imo. .... Canada is becoming a HUGE extraction country .. .needless to say China always has been .... it will show up quicker there ...then Canada
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06/18/12 9:57 AM

#177512 RE: F6 #177331

Romney Confirms He Will Deny Insurance To Millions With Pre-Existing Conditions If Obamacare Is Struck Down

Jun 12, 2012 [with comments]


Editorial: RomneyCare, the sequel, falls short
June 14, 2012 [with comments] [(linked in) and following]


GOP Health Care Plan: Repeal Quickly, Replace Slowly
06/17/12 [with comments]


For-Profit Colleges Are Bankrolling Romney to Keep Student Loan Money Flowing
14 June 2012


Romney's Profit from Bain's Buyouts: Up to $20,000 Per Laid-off Worker

06/15/12 [with comments] [(linked in) and preceding and following]


Iowa Cafe Owner on Romney's Visit and Apology: 'I Took It as Mocking'

After a messy visit, the Republican nominee offended a local business owner with his blunt manner and fumbling attempt to make amends.
Jun 13 2012
Mitt Romney visited a cafe in western Iowa last week, and the cafe's owner was not impressed.
Dianne Bauer, owner of the Main Street Cafe in Council Bluffs, told a local TV station that Romney's staff trashed the place, that Romney didn't greet or thank her, and that when he called her afterward to smooth things over, she felt she was being mocked.
"He responded 'well, I'm sorry your table cloths got ripped off, wadded up and thrown in the back room' and I took it as mocking," she said. "We're the ones he's wanting to get the votes from, you'd think we would have been treated better."
She says the whole experience left her wondering.
"With how he treated me, is that how he's going to treat others? You know, if he gets in office is he going to be that way to us little people?"
[...] [with comments]


Romney says he'd give Americans `a fair shot'
June 16, 2012
WEATHERLY, Pa.—Mitt Romney on Saturday tried to refocus his bus tour on middle-class economic issues as he visited a Pennsylvania foundry a day after President Barack Obama's new immigration policy consumed the campaign debate.
"I think we have to have a very careful review of who's giving a fair shot to the American people," Romney told a crowd of several hundred packed into a warehouse at Weatherly Casting and Machine Co., next to the train tracks that run through this town about 90 miles northwest of Philadelphia.
Criticizing the president, Romney slipped and referred to Obama as a "governor."
[...] [with comments]


Former Romney Adviser: Republicans Are ‘Rooting Against The Economy’

Jun 14, 2012 [with comments]


5 Reasons Americans Are Right To Blame Bush For The Economy

Jun 14, 2012 [with comments]


David Plouffe: Republicans Want 'More War'
WASHINGTON -- White House senior adviser David Plouffe drew a stark contrast between Democrats' and Republicans' visions for the country, asserting that the GOP simply wants "huge tax cuts for the wealthy, more war, more debt."
[...] [with comments]


Mitt Romney vows to do 'the opposite' of Obama on Middle East policy
Days before crucial talks over Iran nuclear programme, Romney says the president has faltered on relationship with Israel
17 June 2012


Romney pleases Christian group with stance on Israel

Romney, speaking to the Faith and Freedom Coalition, accuses Obama of being more afraid of Israeli military action against Iran than of Iran's suspected nuclear program.
June 17, 2012,0,2666365.story [no comments yet]


Rick Santorum On Serving Mitt Romney: 'It's Pretty Much A Flat No'

06/17/2012 [with embedded video, and comments]


As Punishment For Opposing Anti-Abortion Bill, Male Michigan House Leader Bans Two Female Reps From Speaking

Jun 14, 2012
A male Republican House leader in Michigan silenced two female Democratic state legislators on Thursday after the pair tried to advance a measure that would have reduced access to vasectomies.
[...] [with embedded video, and comments]


Lisa Brown, Michigan Lawmaker, To Help Perform 'Vagina Monologues'

LANSING, Mich. -- A Michigan lawmaker barred from speaking in the state House after she used the word "vagina" during a debate on an anti-abortion bill will participate in a performance of the Tony Award-winning play, "The Vagina Monologues," on the state Capitol steps.
Michigan Democratic Party fundraiser Laura Hornshaw said Saturday in an email that Monday evening's performance was planned in response to Rep. Lisa Brown not being allowed to speak on the House floor Thursday.
Republicans who control the chamber said the West Bloomfield Democrat violated decorum Wednesday while speaking against a bill requiring doctors to ensure women aren't coerced into ending their pregnancies.
Brown told Republicans she was flattered they were "all so concerned about my vagina. But no means no." [with embedded video, and comments]


Female Fox Anchor Walks Off Set After Co-Host’s Sexist Joke

Jun 14, 2012 [with comments]


Words Conservatives Hate

It's not just about promoting catchwords like the "death tax" -- Republicans have also been fighting to suppress words deemed overly liberal.
Jun 13 2012 [with comments]


It's Terrifying How Easy It Is to Airbrush Photos With This Software

Airbrushing set on "Man 50+ Glamorous."
Jun 14 2012 [with comments]


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07/04/12 4:12 PM

#178640 RE: F6 #177331

U.S. Seeks Record Civil Fine in Kalamazoo Spill

Oil on the Kalamazoo River near Marshall, Mich., in July 2010 after a rupture in an Endridge pipeline carrying diluted bitumen.

July 2, 2012, 5:41 pm

The federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration [ ] said Monday that it would seek to impose a $3.7 million fine [ ] — a record civil penalty — on the pipeline operator Enbridge over an oil spill in the Kalamazoo River in Michigan two years ago.

The spill from the pipeline, which involved at least 800,000 gallons of a form of crude called diluted bitumen, has proved difficult to clean up, and parts of the river remain closed. The pipeline agency, part of the Department of Transportation, found that the company had violated many federal regulations, including failing to follow proper management procedures and using operators without the proper qualifications.

For example, despite alarms [ ] indicating a problem with the pipeline, Enbridge employees tried several times to restart the flow, with more oil spilled as a result. “We will hold pipeline operators accountable if they do not follow proper safety procedures to protect the environment and local communities,” the federal transportation secretary, Ray LaHood [ ], said.

Enbridge now has 30 days to indicate whether it will accept the judgment. The company said in a statement on Monday that it had cooperated fully with United States investigators and was reviewing the proposed penalty in preparation for a response. It said it would not comment further “until that analysis is complete.”

A larger question raised by the spill is whether diluted bitumen – a combination of a gritty oil-containing paste and diluting liquids – is more hazardous to transport than conventional crude and thus requires the adoption of special precautions and regulations. The agency has commissioned the National Academy of Sciences to study that question.

The answer is important because oil from Canada’s oil sands region is usually transported in that form. Like 6B, the pipeline involved in the July 2010 spill in Michigan, a number of pipelines carry “dil-bit” from Canada to the United States, and the United States will have to decide whether to welcome more.

Keystone XL [ ], a gargantuan pipeline project that was put partly on hold by the Obama administration this year, would carry dil-bit from Canada southward through the heart of the country and on to the gulf coast and is likely to come up for review again after the presidential election.

© 2012 The New York Times Company [no comments yet]


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