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06/13/12 9:57 PM

#29704 RE: was SaltLife #29703

Howard has put out a pr as to what the company is working on! Hopefully all the pieces come together nicely, yet if any or all of them don't it's not a LIE to say that's what the company is working on. He made no attempt in the pr to create buying pressure.....just simply detailed what PHAR is working toward.

Understand the difference between saying "we are working on" and "we have accomplished"..... Two very different meanings!

But....we all already know this, don't we?


06/13/12 10:37 PM

#29706 RE: was SaltLife #29703

"First and Second QTR Financial results are being completed and will be published SHORTLY..
We had to use another group that is now FINISHING it and bringing financials up to date. "

As far as fowardlooking on this part, we should hear something very soon. Should have named the firm if they are just about finished. Sort of a slap in face of firm IMO to call them "another group"..

CEO /HOWARD needs to live up to this PR since he confirmed a forward looking statement to be filed SHORTLY and is just about complete.

The wait and see period should be short on this one.. Or IMO his credibilty is further shot to blank...
Take care my friend,