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08/03/12 12:38 PM

#277 RE: sumisu #274

Action Alert regarding genetically modified foods?
California Citizens for Health freedom

As you probably know proposition 37 is on the ballot in California for us to vote on in November. This proposition if passed will require that all genetically modified foods and ingredients have to be labeled in California. Please vote yes on this proposition and tell your friends.

Click on for events in your area. Jeffrey M. Smith and Pamm Larry are touring California, they are great, very inspiring - a must see.

Also your help is needed to stop riders that have been attached to the House Farm Bill

The following has been taken from Organic Bytes

"New Monsanto Rider in the House Farm Bill

Monsanto has launched a series of sneak attacks on organic and non-GMO farmers and consumers. They began by attaching a rider to the U.S. House of Representatives' 2013 Agriculture Appropriations bill that would allow new genetically engineered crops to be planted even when courts rule that the US Department of Agriculture has approved them illegally. This would result in, as one federal judge described it, "the potential elimination of a farmer's choice to grow non-genetically engineered crops, or a consumer's choice to eat non-genetically engineered food."

Rep. Peter DeFazio is going to try to remove the appropriations rider through an amendment, with a vote expected the week of July 23rd.

Now, Monsanto has slipped a similar provision into the House version of the Farm Bill.

In addition to eliminating judicial review, this even more dangerous provision would also stop the EPA from regulating new and expanded uses of pesticides (often caused by the introduction of new herbicide-resistant GMO crops) and require the USDA to make the approval of new genetically engineered crops easier and faster.
Please contact your Member of Congress today to get this free pass for Monsanto out of the House Farm Bill.

Just go to and fill in your address info and hit send. The program does the rest for you.

Please forward this to anyone you think would be interested.