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Black Beerd

06/12/12 3:03 PM

#187718 RE: Serenity #187717

"WNBD is no different than all the others. Product stops there."

HEY HEY have left the infamous "end cap" ..they have that to I hope that wasn't to" mean spirited" to be including that...But a BON MOT...yes indeed.

" Should we start another survey?" maybe we should get the important data out there...more testimonials and yes THE YOU TUBE VIEWS COUNT on the demo by the stars of the show...Now that is HUUUUUGE.

GLTY...Bon Mot


06/12/12 4:25 PM

#187741 RE: Serenity #187717

What makes your accurate statements even worse is the fact that Eric the Great, over just the last two years took almost $200k in salary for himself and doled out a nice payday for the misses. All the while we "stakeholders" are left with nothing. Oh excuse me, didn't he also actually have the nerve to call us "partners"? Just great Eric the Clueless. Certainly wished I would have know that in Eric the Great's world that meant providing him and the misses with a nice payday while he stuck it to us "stakeholders". Eric the Great, really don't feel embarrassed because I, and I think many others are embarrassed for you. I truly never would have believed that you would continue to suck the money out of WNBD while it went down in flames, but you did. What an empty suit you turned out to be.