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06/11/12 10:00 PM

#19661 RE: BTH #19659

I agree that Novartis prob isn't buying Ariad anytime soon, but I have been wondering something.

If/when Ponatinib is approved, what becomes of Tasigna and Sprycel?

We know the value in generic Gleevec, but why would you prescribe the 2 line drugs when Ponatinib clearly shows better efficacy?

Maybe I am missing something here. Interested in feedback.


06/12/12 6:31 AM

#19663 RE: BTH #19659

Isn't that the point? If Pona is better than Tasigna why not grab it?

I have next to zero medical knowledge, but it would seem to me that the holy grail of oncology is a drug that does not permit drug resistance through mutation. Why waste gazillions of dollars on a drug that may not address all mutations, when the Ariad lab is skilled at producing a drug that does?