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06/11/12 12:48 PM

#105798 RE: jimmyburkitt #105794

There are at least 5/6 million shadow repos that do not even show up as the banks have held them off listing so they can show on the books as worth what original Ninja and liar loans allowed on inflated values.

If they actually allowed them to be sold they would be bankrupt.

The whole econmy is smoke and mirrors. shows actual unemployment-- with people out of work but who do not show up as they are no longer counted-- is over 22% based on original way of calculating numbers before politicians changed way it is determined to make it look better.
Same with inflation as food and energy is not figured.

Unfunded liabilities of over 100 "trillion" are not shown as if they are not owed for retiring baby boomers.

The fed is giving money for nothing to banks and they are not stimulating the economy just covering up their losses with the billions.

It's all a fraud.