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06/10/12 4:32 PM

#2 RE: MagShoe #1

Eli Reifman put in receivership

Emblaze founder reveals he has hidden assets all over the world.


11/29/15 7:00 PM

#6 RE: MagShoe #1

Suit for $ 30 million suit against attorney bus affair Eli Reifman
The hedge fund and investment company suing the attorney Doron Afik served as a trustee to the loan agreement of Eli Reifman
, claiming that as a result of negligence and his partner bought by them despite Emblaze shares not owned by mobile picture

Citrus Buy

04/19/12, 14:11

Two companies - a hedge fund and investment company - filed a lawsuit in the amount of NIS 30 million against attorneys Doron Afik and his partner Shlomi T'orgmn claiming that due to the negligence of shares purchased by them Reifman Mali despite Emblaze shares not owned.