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02/13/03 9:00 PM

#4824 RE: sarai #4823

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02/13/03 9:22 PM

#4827 RE: sarai #4823

I like this guy, cuz he speaks his mind...right or wrong.

Lookout America, Here he comes!

If it wasn't for the fact that California is California and will always be California (translation: the place where everybody else, in the other 49, wishes they lived) I would be very worried for the future of this dreamland paradise, for it is a very Gray future... at least for the next four years.

That is because the insufferably left-whacked, pot-growing, wine stomping, surfer-dude coastal denizens ganged up with the bizarro, feather-boa, tans-gendered Weekly World News freaks of San Francisco Bay in an unholy alliance with the festering parasitical ooze of Lost Angeles to inflict our beautiful state with yet another term in office for the world's first known coin-operated governor: Joseph Graham Davis Jr aka: Robo-Gov.

You have not heard much about Gray-out Davis (the nickname he earned the night the lights went out) but you had better learn much now. That is because as of now Governor Gray, elected and then re-elected over the strenuous objections of the over-whelming majority of the state, has a new constituency. With his second term decided, his new prey resides in Iowa, New Hampshire and (if he successfully devours them) the nation. Gray wants to bring to America the same economic, social and political catastrophe that he has visited upon dreamland.

Upon assuming office Mr. Davis inherited a world record state SURPLUS of between six and ten BILLON dollars, a vibrant economy that promised more, social, environmental and political progress and nothing but a sunny California future. That future was threatened by major issues such as: water (we have water obligations and needs that run as much as eight times our ability to provide), choking traffic with laughable public transportation alternatives along with oozing infections of voluntary "homeless", illegal aliens, international drug cartels and other vermin. Political Correctness was (is) running roughshod over common sense and natural resources were (are) stretched to the maximum and each solution implemented seems to have led to a more devilish problem. Gray had his work cut out for him and he got right to work.

He got right to work by rolling up his sleeves and selling his signature on bills to the highest bidder. This was a habit that he acquired early in his career and put to its best use as the state's chief executive to the tune of nearly 70-million dollars. The toll booth at his door is reported to have demanded a million-dollar pay-off from the state teachers union and an oil refinery was able to increase its release of carcinogens into San Francisco Bay by some 400% within days of a "campaign contribution" of 75-thousand dollars. Enron, Pacific Gas & Electric and the other energy barons ploughed Davis with cash freshly stolen from Californians via electric rate manipulation while Davis, and his regulators, looked on and gleefully grabbed the money, while the whole time publicly denouncing the electric provider's own money grab. Meanwhile Davis kept the midnight oil burning in frantic efforts to not stem the crisis. In the meantime our surplus became a DEFICIT of nearly 26-BILLION dollars, not only the largest in the history of any state in the union (and more than most states spend in an entire year) but growing. Taken together with the choking electric rates that Davis locked us into for the next decade, the price tag for his stupidity and corruption is well past 100-BILLION dollars - and the meter is still running. Allegations, backed by evidence of outright corruption, pandering to special interests and the personality of Eve's snake are Davis' positive attributes.

We all knew this, and more. Gray's political future was black. With the possible exception of lying womanizer Gary Condit, no single politician in America is more despised and defeatable, even by his own "supporters" and even that is debatable. Richard Nixon was loved and cuddly by comparison.

All the republicans needed to do was find a corpse with a life-like appearance to run in 2002 and Davis would be a bad memory. It was a job tailor made for the Admiral Stockdale-ish moderate-democrat-in-republican-clothing-former-mayor-of-LA Dick Reardon. Unfortunately, the moribund California Republican Party could not fend off Davis' 10-million dollar smear campaign against Reardon in the primary and instead selected the youthful, but stupid as a bag of rocks, good looking, yacht club idiot Bill Simon who was bored of life with daddy's money and looking for a new diversion. Bill is a very nice man, but unable to muster even an appearance of sincerity or a clue. He is the male version of a blond joke and quickly put together a campaign which worked harder to re-elect Davis than even Davis was working. At a thousand-dollar a plate luncheon in Stockton there was considerable grumbling among folks poking at their soggy shrimp salads while President Bush, in town for the event, avoided being seen in public with Simon while he (the President) fulfilled his standing promise to attend. As Air Force One rose into the sky, accompanied by the throaty roar of full power coming from four massive engines all too eager to get off the ground, we all knew that we would not see that airplane - or common sense -again here for a long time.

On Election Day the predictable happened.

Contrary to popular opinion California is a very conservative state. The problem is that we have two major colonies of what can be best described as "maggots" or "parasites". Large populations in LA and San Fran which have discovered that they can live a life a leisure by harvesting the labor of honest, working people. Together San Francisco and LA sport larger populations than most of the other states. They are urban, corrupt, not viable without massive infusions of money from elsewhere and oblivious to the damage they cause and uncaring when informed. They out number us. The danger is that we are a microcosm of America. The have-nots choose to rape and pillage the haves. Those who daily willing refuse to participate or contribute have learned that by simply showing up once every November and checking a box that they can legal rob those who do work and thus achieve the mediocrity to which they aspire. The big money political donors recognize this natural resource and invest millions in this new California Gold Rush as they always have invested in sure things. All politicians benefit from this arrangement. Gray Davis, however, is the first to refine and perfect it with the efficiency of an assembly line. He has, in effect, created a working slave class which exists as a renewable resource for the fat and lazy and has turned that into a lucrative business that enriches his insatiable appetite for power and influence. His is a template for things to come.

This has been his history, his ambition and America is forewarned. Despots do not always take power at the point of a rifle. Ask any German.

-- Mark Williams, KFBK

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Tom K

02/13/03 9:26 PM

#4828 RE: sarai #4823

5 Rules for Being a Democrat

1) You have to believe that the nation's economic growth in the 90's was a result of policies promoted by Bill Clinton (while he was getting blow jobs from Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office)

2) You have to believe that war is bad for the economy, but good for business.

3) You have to believe Social Security is a fiscally sound program.

4) You have to believe pregnant woman have two hearts, two brains, four eyes, and two digestive systems.

5) You have to believe that religion begins and ends at the church/synagogue/mosque steps.

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Tom K

02/13/03 9:48 PM

#4829 RE: sarai #4823

2 more rules for being a Democrat

1) You believe people who don't pay taxes deserve a tax cut

2) You believe people are inheritly stupid, unable to achieve financial self-sufficence without government assistance.