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06/07/12 10:30 PM

#176943 RE: arizona1 #176942

I'm getting the feeling from the things I'm reading that there could be choices or twofers or hell a threefer! ... Iran is cooking and Pakistan and Syria are just simmering on the back burners ...

truly, I'm not all that certain .. Obama won't be involved in any one of them ... all three of them are asking for it ... I know I know I'm bad ... ;( but I mean in this WORLD SENSE.) In the sense of this world there are reasons for 'dustups' with all three of those countries ...


06/08/12 6:11 AM

#176957 RE: arizona1 #176942

arizona1 -- answer's already obvious, that's further confirmation -- e.g. in particular (linked in) -- it's not like Mitt's actually hiding anything; he's just not saying

thing is, in any event (my take anyway, previously expressed, which continues) -- if Iran doesn't grant complete access and halt all 20%+ enrichment very soon (buncha stuff on that haven't gotten to, little if any at all actually substantively good along with some good bit quite not good), this ain't gonna keep till November -- and this, once again, ain't gonna be Israel's mission; their forces' mission is to stand guard over Israel, both anything we don't stop coming from Iran and anything else that might be tempted to boil up along/around their borders/the occupied territories or otherwise from any of their more immediate neighbors -- Obama hasn't been bluffing, and he still isn't -- our forces remain fully prepped, fully in position and ready to execute upon order -- and the clock is ticking

Syria? -- battleplan-wise, I'm sorry but oh hell no, not now, borders Israel and Lebanon and all that goes with that, that's Israel's responsibility, no way we further stir that so unfortunately restive hornet's nest -- point being, that being from the perspective of, Iran is the focus now, period -- and Pakistan, well -- that's just a managed chaos, like a long-time neighbor who yells a lot but with certain mutual accomodations is workable enough anyway without need for any extreme measures; seems Obama's pretty clear-eyed about it and is just doing what he decides to do, not going out of his way to provoke things but in fact also not actually yielding an inch of his/our position and power to do those things we're doing (a fair amount of the whole thing having to do with Pakistan's rulers/military/intel needing to posture to their own many funky native shitheads)