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06/07/12 6:00 PM

#31600 RE: learning curve #31599

check my previous post


06/07/12 6:45 PM

#31605 RE: learning curve #31599

From what I have heard and read on this board, there is more than one reason why this has happened.

One reason I read was that MP hadn't supplied the required samples on time.

Another reason I read was that MP was putting the certification labels on products that weren't among the ones being tested for certification.

Maybe they meant to say batches for which samples had not yet been submitted for testing were having the certification labels applied to them.

Another issue hasn't been mentioned here. When you have a problem with meeting the demand for your product and that product is awaiting certification before you can ship it, then the certification process is holding up shipments of product.

The product itself is being held hostage to the certification process.

These labs have several clients and your product must wait in line to be tested.

This lag time is the other important cost to consider in the equation here.

When production catches up to and surpasses demand, then you can afford to await certification before LABELING or LABELING & HOLDING before authorization from the labs to ship and sell that particular batch or batches of product.

I guess you can have empty containers pre-labeled with certification labeling as well, but can you technically put any product in them before samples have been sent and certification is given from the lab or labs?

I think this certification process was impeding MSLP from filling their back orders quickly enough and perhaps being another major reason for those back orders.

And maybe MSLP was caught circumventing or rushing this process by shipping batches that weren't yet released for sale by the labs.

Just my conjecture here.

Anyone with more information about all this please wage in here.