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Replies to #4897 on RON PAUL 2012
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06/07/12 1:41 AM

#4899 RE: Essence Of Wealth #4897

Ron and Rand Paul on KTRH -

Ron Paul 2012 THE RIGHT CHOICE -
God Bless
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06/07/12 12:41 PM

#4901 RE: Essence Of Wealth #4897

Booming Sweden’s Free-Market Solution -
Ron Paul's political views are about the same as the Swedes -

Judge Rules BS obama's Indefinite Detention Sections of NDAA Unconstitutional -

US poverty rate for women and children hits 17-year record high -

Literary Agent Listed Obama As Born In Kenya Since 2007

Obamacide Of American Nation Warned to Accelerate

EPIC Ron Paul Tea Party vs the War Parties

Ron and Rand Paul on KTRH -

Ron Paul 2012 THE RIGHT CHOICE -
God Bless
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06/08/12 4:53 AM

#4904 RE: Essence Of Wealth #4897

GOP Blocks 3 Day Ron Paul Revolution Festival In Florida Days Before Republican National

Ron Paul Speaks On US Currency Collapse -
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06/11/12 12:57 PM

#4927 RE: Essence Of Wealth #4897

380 American Rebels Reported Killed In Michigan Battle

A shocking Federal Security Service (FSB) report circulating in
the Kremlin today states that last week an “intense” battle
erupted in the US State of Michigan between military forces
loyal to the Obama regime and American rebels that killed at
least 380 men, women and children who had gathered to oppose
their nations slide towards a totalitarian dictatorship.

According to this report, nearly 500 people opposed to the Obama
regime had assembled for a “clandestine” meeting in the
Michigan country of Alpena in an effort to form a 50-State
alliance of local law enforcement and political officers
seeking to “turn the tide” of their nations path towards
dictatorship even, should it be necessary, by armed force.

bottom lines;
This FSB report notes that the death toll they projected in this
report is, indeed, an estimate, but further state that based on
the number of body-bags requested by Obama regime forces in the
aftermath of this battle it could even go higher.

Unknown to the vast majority of Americans, and as we had
detailed in our previous report “Russia Shocked After Thousands
Of Americans Beg Obama Not To Kill Them”, the Obama regime is
operating completely within the law of the United States that
now gives their President unprecedented powers to kill and
imprison any citizen he so chooses without either evidence or
trial, and even newer laws that allows the US government for
the first time in its history to deliberately lie and deceive
all of them for any reason whatsoever.
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06/11/12 3:37 PM

#4935 RE: Essence Of Wealth #4897

Total Surveillance 8 Secret Court Orders Allow Gov't to Spy on
Americans Ron Paul Revolution 2012

Unknown to the vast majority of Americans, and as we had
detailed in our previous report
“Russia Shocked After Thousands Of Americans Beg Obama Not To Kill Them”,
the Obama regime is operating completely within the law of
the United States that now gives their President unprecedented
powers to kill and imprison any citizen he so chooses without
either evidence or trial, and even newer laws that allows the
US government for the first time in its history to deliberately
lie and deceive all of them for any reason whatsoever

RON PAUL Rally Speech - Vote for Real Change! End Wars, End the
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06/11/12 4:48 PM

#4936 RE: Essence Of Wealth #4897

Top 7 Marxist Communist Policies Being Implemented
By Obama Today7 666 -

Throughout history Communist leaders have seized power
by promoting themselves as populists, and often completely
hiding their own ideology.

Indeed in a poll taken after Communist Hugo Chavez'
first election victory in Venezuela, only 3% of the electors
believed Chavez to be a Socialist, let alone a Communist.

Currently 32% of Americans believe Obama to be a Socialist.

The initial stages of Communization of a country invariably
begin with seven basic steps:

history often repeat itself -

Seizing Control Over The Free Flow Of The Nation's Money -
to give it all ex.
in form of bailouts to gypsy khazarian kingpin 666 -
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06/11/12 9:53 PM

#4945 RE: Essence Of Wealth #4897

My Experience as Election Judge, in Austin, Texas
Posted: 03/06/2012 in Ron Paul GOP (S)election!

As MY number was a conservative ESTIMATE of sixty-six
percent going with RON PAUL, I have a feeling the real
percentage for Paul was seventy-two percent.

I am SURE that the numbers for Paul v Mitt were completely
FLIPPED, for none other than Flip, himself, It is just NOT
possible that Mitt took Texas and, particularly, Austin or
Brazoria County (HIS OWN DISTRICT!) or San Antonio (Behar
County). where Dr Paul worked for so LITTLE in their poorest
hospital, Santa Rosa.

2012 Primary Caucuses are RIGGED to STEAL Delegates from Dr. Ron Paul

Fraud confirmed in Texas. Election judge says votes were switched (tonight, Dr.K., RBN-live)

judge andrew napolitano "classic"

2012 Primary Caucuses are RIGGED to STEAL Delegates from Dr. Ron Paul

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06/18/12 6:17 AM

#5018 RE: Essence Of Wealth #4897

FYI. michigan radiation
Giant nuclear cover-up? Explosions, military helicopters filmed near elevated radiation zone at border of Indiana and Michigan
June 13th, 2012
‘Shaking Booms’ Snapped Trees in Half Days Before Indiana Radiation Incident
June 9th, 2012
Indiana Radiation Spike Triggers Elevated Levels In Other States, Media Stays Silent
June 9th, 2012
Nuclear Cover-Up: Explosions, Military Helicopters Filmed Near Blacked Out Radiation Zone
June 8th, 2012
Developing: Nuclear Cover-Up? Extreme Radiation Levels Prompt EPA Censorship, DHS Hazmat Team