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06/06/12 9:49 PM

#9323 RE: gunner #9322

gunner...I am a realist, therefore the filings, i.e., company statements and balance sheets, 'standard' disclosures aside, are not encouraging!

The underlying structure of the problem did not change; they merely switched companies in an attempt to resolve a problem.

However, they actually made the problem(s) worse and they created long-term financial structural imbalances for both companies.

That said, the 'pain' has yet to happen...

New information will lead to disequilibrium.

KATX going DARK was a DECISION for an "inequitable purpose or for self-interested reasons."

KATX WARNING! OTC STOP! ...Should be a

Disclosures aside...
Management cannot be trusted as reputation precedes them.


06/06/12 10:04 PM

#9324 RE: gunner #9322

Gunner is Reg S a "may"...Is

The Use Of Grab Samples a "May"
Is "Up To"
Are Unregistered Shares a May or should or Could
Is the $5,000.00 a week salary for Ken a "May", or Is
Large insider Holdings
Lack of Katx Financing

Is the Historical Data of 36k ounces a "May"
Is the Historical Data of 90 tons...

Is Katx's History a May
Were the Paid Pumps

What about The old Katx SS..A May?

I could go On...Like Jacobson...

Add it all up
Is it all Excusable.....
Thats A Lot of Excuses..

Looks Like a Duck
Walks Like a Duck
Quacks Like a Duck

Every now and then by golly...
Its Indeed a "Duck"
