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06/06/12 9:47 PM

#125444 RE: antihistamine #125443

The chart came straight from OTC.


06/07/12 1:43 PM

#125452 RE: antihistamine #125443

You're joking right? Edgar is US Securities and Exchange Commission. All companies do their SEC filings with Edgar.


06/07/12 2:10 PM

#125453 RE: antihistamine #125443

KOMA is #1 in brand awareness AND media mentions.
That's from an independent 3rd party company specializing in
this type of research. It can be linked to and verified.
be careful about the charts posted here, some are believed to be
photo-shopped. (Edgar?) Revenues are growing, 35% from 2010 to
2011, and projected even higher in 2012. Ground floor opportunity.