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06/07/12 12:52 AM

#143418 RE: masterlongevity #143373

Hi MLG. They have only lost ground if the Roche drug works. It is supposed to be the strongest amyloid removal compound so far, but as you previously stated some time back, Bapi demonstrated the ph 2 trend in the lowest dose goup.

I think Prana is going to make monkeys out of all of them. In preclinicals they wound back normal age related memory loss to the level of young controls with PBT2. OK it was mouse work, but the same type of work done in Alzheimer's, with the same drug proved in a human trial.

They are including some prodormals in the current IMAGINE trial.

[These bars are a mix of markers and receptors and proteins
-all associated with tracking synaptic activity
-particularly memory and plasticity.
PBT2 improves all of them over the untreated sick mice.
We examined neuronal markers of plasticity and function
in the brains of the PBT2 treated mice which might correlate with the observed improvement in cognition and dendritic spine density. In this analyis levels of markers in the untreated transgenic animals in red were set at 100% against which the wild-type in blue, and drug treated transgenic animals in green were compared. In drug treated animals we saw significant elevation
in TrackB, various NMDA receptor subtypes and Calmodulin dependent
kinase 2 believed to have an important role in generation of LTP
Young wild/type animals treated with PBT2 showed no change to any of these parameters or several others studied. So we are confident the cognitive benefits seen in the AD mice are not due to a generic stimulatory effect.]
Graphs to go with that text on page 13 & 14 0f this presentation.