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06/06/12 9:11 AM

#45707 RE: blahdude #45704


There has been worry/suspicion about the C-presence for quite a long time here. If I understand it correctly, they were involved in TIVU's original financing. One can't be on iHub for too long without getting the impression that the C's are spawns of Satan himself. I don't know how much of that to believe. But a story certainly seems to swirl around them, and that is unsettling.

This morning I was trying to imagine a way to exonerate SP of the ridiculous content of the fins, and it occurred to me that he might have not even seen them. I.e. Perhaps C just told him that he'd take care of it and SP said "okay." If that's the case, then either C himself (or his firm, consisting of himself and his wife) is incompetent, or the fins are done poorly on purpose.

Seems like there are some possible explanations for why the latter might be the case, but I don't want to go too far down a speculative road before we've heard from SP.

Someone who has Shiva's ear needs to place a phone call.


06/06/12 9:15 AM

#45708 RE: blahdude #45704


Shiva I hope you get some of the money back you paid them. I would review very closely your contract with this company. There are quite a few obvious, and many questionable mistakes.

We are all confused. Please try to rectify this so we can all look forward to real news. This is unneeded drama and a time consuming mess the accountants have caused. IMO


06/06/12 9:21 AM

#45711 RE: blahdude #45704

Look on the bright side of things!

QASP sure made one hell of a run after that mishap in April.........a year later!



06/06/12 10:52 AM

#45750 RE: blahdude #45704

It's kind of like the grade school kid that wants to copy your
homework. He is so proficient at copying, at the section where it says Name: , he enters.... We know how this folk story ends.