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06/06/12 10:41 AM

#1460 RE: PokerVertigo #1458

I dont even own any positions at the moment. Only reason I tell people not to buy it is due to the implied volatility of the stock and thus the current risk in investing at the moment.

I am planning on getting back in just at the "right" time. Right now I dont feel that it is the correct time to get in. I lost a crap load of $$ on this stock. I am not a huge investor, it seems like you have a lot of $$$ on this stock versus my small investment. I am only trying to regain the 2500 in losses I incurred from this stock as well as keep a lt position with the best price in mind. I just dont want to keep losing money , not worth it or others to have to go through the same thing.



06/06/12 1:33 PM

#1462 RE: PokerVertigo #1458

PokerV! I am in the same boat with you, but just not at this moment, I am still trying to get my lost$ back by waiting for the right price$ and its lowest pps possible.
We got to move quickly some time when is necessary and fells right at that moments.
Here's what I've done poorly with baZYNGA! :
First boutght in at IPO date 12/16/12 in$9.43-out$9.36, left Zynga for awhile and again comeback and bought on04/25/12: in$8.91-out$8.25 with Stop limit triggered after Earning+you mentions about this sell off is coming...and they did, and again bought in on05/8/12: just for FB IPO's ride bought in$7.85-out$7.50 with 2nd Stop limit because of Fakebook F-Up!

I love to get my $ back on Zynga and for a longer term holding. Right now I doing very good with other companies (that I wont mentions here to make you upset lol :o) to offset these lost$.

I knows, do you own DD and make your own decisions but some time do it alone is not enough!