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06/04/12 2:47 AM

#30853 RE: learning curve #30849

Well said. I did read everything when I decided on a whim to check out MSLP for the first time and continued to get excited and impressed as I continued to read along.

I don't know how many WOWS I kept saying to myself.

All of these other penny stocks are such remote pie-in-the-sky possibilities that point promisingly to some day in the fuzzy future where they will begin to make a profit if everything goes right in the meantime.

After getting burned real bad on RAY$, I was looking for something far less ambiguous this time round.

And I had a real hard time explaining to myself why MP was less than two cents a share when they seemed to be at full gallop and passing most of the other horses in the race!

I want MP to slowly build up as the profit takers and the shorters do their thing and to continue an upward climb impervious and immune to exploitation and to establish a permanent position above $1.

I have a good feeling this will happen by this same time next year. I can't explain it, but a lot of it has to do with reading everything that I now rush past to get to the posts.