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06/03/12 5:14 PM

#259280 RE: midtieroil #259252

Define "timely manner". In general, they clearly allow for wells to be tight-holed for a standard period of time and as allowed by the regulator in the country being explored.

Just as the JDZ wells were tight-holed for a few months, with results of discoveries released in 2010.

All companies must report the results of their wells in a timely manner both for SEC reporting purposes and to governmental agencies -midtieroil

What governmental agencies? The JDZ is administered by the JDA and the operator is bound to their rules and the PSC they agree.

US rules don't apply.

You need only to look and you too can find the answer. I already know the answer. midtieroil

I already know the answers, I support my claims with facts and links.

Here are the governmental rules that apply to the JDZ.

The actual Nigeria - Sao Tome and Principe Joint Development Authority Petroleum Regulations 2003 state:

Regulation 57

Discovery Reports

The Licensee, Lessee or Contractor shall immediately report to the Authority the discovery of petroleum or petroleum-bearing strata.

It also governs the operator's confidentiality:

Regulation 64


Any information supplied by the Licensee, Lessee or Contractor shall (except as otherwise provided by these Regulations) be treated by the Authority and its officers entitled to the information as confidential PROVIDED that the Authority shall be entitled at any time to make use of any such information for the purpose of preparing or causing to be prepared aggregated returns and general reports on the extent of oil operations in the Zone and for the purposes of any arbitration or litigation between the Authority and the Licensee, Lessee or Contractor.

Regulation 65

Release of information and Data

65.2 Basic information and data about petroleum operations in the area of a licence or lease may be released by the Authority five (5) years after it was lodged with the Authority or when the areas to which that information and data relates cease to be part of the area of the licence or lease, if earlier. However, conclusions drawn or opinions based in whole or in part on that information and data shall not be released until ten (10) years after that information and data was lodged with the Authority.

Please provide documentation that disputes these regulations.