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06/05/12 8:04 AM

#176521 RE: F6 #176395

Government Should Kill Gays Says Pastor
Published on May 30, 2012 by OnKneesforJesus4

says Pastor Curtis Knapp of New Hope Baptist Church in Kansas.


"Government Should Kill Gays" Pastor Defends Comments
Published on Jun 1, 2012 by OnKneesforJesus4

Pastor Curtis Knapp in Kansas


Child Sings Ain't No Homo Gonna Make It To Heaven In Church
Published on May 30, 2012 by YWTNews

The congregation of the Apostolic Truth Tabernacle in Greensburg, Indiana responded to a child singing "ain't no homo gonna make it to heaven" by jumping to their feet, hooting and clapping their hands.

In today's society there is no way this type of behavior to be acceptable, brainwashing a little boy to preach HATE? Why America?

"The Bible's right, somebody's wrong.
The Bible's right, somebody's wrong.
Romans one, twenty six and twenty seven;
Ain't no homos gonna make it to Heaven."

I feel sorry for? this child. He doesn't have a clue. The Parents and most of this congregation who applauded, including the sick preacher should be so ashamed. A church that preaches hatred of any kind needs to be shut down.

If you want to tell the church your thoughts below is there contact information.

The Church's Contact Page:

The Church's Facebook page:

Ain't No Homo Gonna Make It To Heaven In Church - Go Apostolic Truth Tabernacle you must be very proud of this moment.


Anti-Gay Hate Speech Compilation (May 2012)
Published on Jun 4, 2012 by OnKneesforJesus4

Compilation of Christian anti-gay hate speech from just the month of May, 2012.


Kansas pastor: Government should kill gays
05/29/2012 [with comments]


Kansas Pastor Says the Government Should Kill Gays: AUDIO
05/29/2012 [with comments]


Kansas Pastor Wants Government To Kill All The Gays, Angry It Won’t
May 31, 2012 [with comments]


Church Videos With Harsh Words For Gays Go Viral Online

May 31, 2012


The Monday Sermon: What if Your Church-Going Community Wants You To ...Die?

June 3, 2012 [no comments yet]


3 Charged in Bullying Before a Youth’s Suicide, Officials Say
May 30, 2012


Steve Smith, White Supremacist, Elected To Republican Party Committee In Pennsylvania County

By Gene Demby
Posted: 06/01/2012 1:36 pm Updated: 06/01/2012 3:30 pm

Steve Smith, a white nationalist with a violent past, was elected to the Republican Party committee for a county in northeastern Pennsylvania.

Smith, who is listed as the state chairman of the white nationalist group American Third Position [ ], proudly shared a photo of the certificate commemorating his election on the website, White World News [ ].

Several commenters on the site congratulated him.

CONGRATULATIONS, SIR! This may seem like just a small step now, but this is how we are taking our nation back and it's how we will secure a future for our people. Everyone needs to look to Steve's example. He's a true patriot!

The Southern Poverty Law Center said that Smith was a member of the Aryan Nations and a skinhead group known as Keystone United. In 2003, Smith and two other skinheads were arrested [ ] for shouting slurs and throwing a brick at a black man from Scranton, PA. He pleaded guilty to making terrorist threats and ethnic intimidation and received a 60-day sentence.

In 2010, Smith attended a school board in Wilkes-Barre and objected to a call [,103714 ] to hire more minority teachers, saying that the proposal was anti-white. "Diversity is not a strength," Smith said.

He also had a letter to the editor published [ ] in the local newspaper last November in which he defended the racial profiling of blacks. "Whites need to stop walking on eggshells when it comes to the issue of race and crime," he wrote. "We need to stand up and speak out against what is happening to our once-safe communities."

Copyright © 2012, Inc. [with comments]


Murder of an American Nazi

Watch the Segment
Lesley Stahl reports on the murder of a neo-Nazi leader by his 10-year-old son.

June 3, 2012 7:03 PM

(CBS News) When Jeff Hall, a rising star in the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement, was murdered last year by his own 10-year-old son, it seemed easy to blame the boy's exposure to violent rhetoric and guns. But, as correspondent Lesley Stahl reports, the truth is far more complicated. "60 Minutes" investigates the case and the growing strength of hate groups nationwide.

The following script is from "The Murder of an American Nazi" which originally aired on Sept. 25, 2011 and was rebroadcast on June 6, 2012. Lesley Stahl is the correspondent. Shachar Bar-On, producer.

It was just over one year ago that the leader of a neo-Nazi group was murdered in Riverside, California. His name was Jeff Hall. He was a burly man, six-foot-three, a devoted father of five young children and a plumber who had been unemployed for three years. Jeff Hall was shot at near-zero range in his own living room. But, as we first reported in September, what was truly astonishing was who shot him.

[Jeff Hall at home: We've been through a lot together, some of us, you know. Seriously.]

This is 32-year-old Jeff Hall. These pictures were taken just hours before he was executed - right in this room. The executioner - this child: his son. His 10-year-old son. But if you find this image disturbing, consider this one: taken two weeks earlier.

A neo-Nazi rally on the streets of Trenton, New Jersey.

[Hall at rally: Who's streets?

Crowd: Our streets!

Hall: Who's streets?

Crowd: Our streets!

Hall: Who's streets?

Crowd: Our streets! Zeig Heil!

Hall delivering speech: We are not afraid of you!]

Jeff Hall was a rising star in the largest neo-Nazi group in the country, the National Socialist Movement, or NSM.

[Crowd at rally: Zeig Heil!]

The numbers nationwide are still small - 500 members tops, but they're growing.

[Hall: This isn't dress up, this isn't a game. We are fighting for our children's future.]

According to Jeff Hall and the NSM that future would be an all-white, non-Semitic America.

[Hall: There's other groups I could join. There's tons of them.]

Jeff Hall joined only three years ago - but seen as personable and charismatic, he quickly became the leader of NSM in California, Arizona, Utah and Nevada.

[Hall: Zeig Heil! Zeig Heil! Zeig Heil!]

This footage was shot by Julie Platner, a filmmaker and photographer, who was able to gain the NSM's trust.

[Nazi: How ya doin' Miss Julie?]

And enter their closed world of private meetings.

[Hall: Julie has me mic'ed]

She quickly honed in on Jeff Hall.

[Hall: Jeff, nice to meet you.]

Jeff Hall cultivated a sense of family among his new recruits. Holding his monthly meetings at his house, with the kids around, including his son Joseph.

These gatherings were a strange mix of Nazi propaganda.

[Hall: That's how we apply what we learn from "Mein Kampf."]

And party games. A birthday celebration topped off by -

[Recruits: Happy birthday! Zeig Heil!]

Jeff's mother Joann Patterson went to some of her son's meetings, despite abhorring her son's politics.

Joann Patterson: I wanted to make sure it was okay for my grandkids to be there. And I had a great time. It looked like any barbecue in any backyard in America. The food was great.

Lesley Stahl: But they were Nazis. We're just sitting here talking about Nazis.

Patterson: I know, it's crazy.

Stahl: They're in your own family.

Patterson: I know, it's crazy, huh?

Stahl: "My son became a Nazi."

Patterson: Yeah. A Nazi leader!

On Saturday, April 30, her son, Jeff held what would be his last get-together. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, to the extent this is ordinary.

[Joseph Hall: I'm going outside...]

10-year-old Joseph was running in and out of the house. All the kids were. Dad even took some of them to see his Nazi glow in the dark t-shirt - with its SS insignia.

[Hall: Ok, come here - close the door

Kid: Wow!

Hall: It's the little things in life!]

This is the last recorded image of Jeff Hall alive. After people left that night, the family watched a movie, "Yogi Bear," as Jeff slept on the couch. The others went upstairs to bed. Then, at 4:02 a.m.

[911 Operator: 911 Emergency

Krista Hall: My son shot my husband, I need an ambulance, he's bleeding!

Operator: How old is your son?

Krista: 10

Operator: How old is your son??

Krista: 10! God!]

Stahl: You were the first detective at the scene after the murder, is that correct?

Greg Rowe: That's correct.

Detective Greg Rowe saw Jeff Hall dead on the couch. He says little Joseph, who was found hiding upstairs under his covers, described calmly how he had gotten the family's Rossi 357 Magnum from his dad's closet.

Rowe: Went downstairs and shot his dad. He described how he used his forefingers to cock the gun. And used two fingers to pull the trigger and he pointed it at his ear.

Stahl: This was not a case of a kid thinking it was a toy and letting it go off by accident?

Rowe: There's no evidence this was anything but intentional.

Prosecutor Michael Soccio.

Soccio: When he was taken into juvenile hall, he's so little, they didn't have shoes to fit him. So they had to go out and buy him a little pair of tennis shoes. And he asked if he'd be able to keep the shoes when he left. Which showed an absolute lack of understanding of what was going to be happening.

The Department of Justice reports only nine cases of a 10-year-old killing a parent since 1980. But then, how many American kids are raised by a Nazi?

Stahl: When you heard that the victim was the head of the local Nazi organization, did you just think to yourself that that had something to do with it?

Soccio: When I first heard it I thought: there's got to be some connection with Nazi views, with guns, with weapons, with violence.

Stahl: Hate speech.

Soccio: Hate speech, sure.

That was just about everyone's assumption. So we set out to discover why Jeff Hall became a Nazi three years ago.

Patterson: I think the biggest factor that contributed was the economy. When the housing market just fell apart in California, he had no work. He hadn't worked for three years.

Stahl: He was in construction?

Patterson: He was in construction.

Stahl: And that side of the economy, down here, just completely dried up?

Patterson: Completely dried up. And he tried and tried and tried to get work. It's just scary. Poverty is a really scary thing.

Jeff lived in the Inland Empire, a vast stretch of California desert, east of L.A. It was among the worst hit when the real estate market crashed, ranking fifth in foreclosures nationwide. Entire communities became ghost towns. Unemployment reached 15 percent. Jeff was poor and angry, with time on his hands, when he came upon Jeff Schoep, commander of the National Socialist Movement.

[Schoep at New Jersey rally: You have illegal aliens coming over the border, streaming over in hoards, taking American jobs.]

Neo-Nazis focus their tirades lately on immigrants and the so-called "browning of America" where places like California no longer have a white majority.

Schoep: We're a white civil rights organization.

Stahl: What does that mean?

Schoep: Basically, what Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton do for black people we do for white people.

Well, not exactly. I read to commander Jeff Schoep this, from the NSM's website:

Stahl: "All non-whites should leave this nation peacefully or by force."

Schoep: Our ideal America would be an America that's all white. That doesn't mean--

Stahl: Yeah. And everybody else has to leave, "peacefully or by force." Wow.

Schoep: Our goal is a white homeland.

Stahl: I mean, the president's not white; our attorney general's not white. So they should leave? What about Jews?

Schoep: They're also a race of people.

Stahl: So they should leave?

Schoep: Correct.

He knows that won't happen anytime soon, but he's preparing. Ten white supremacists of various groups were on the ballot in 2010, including three for Congress. One candidate seeking local office was Jeff Hall.

Schoep at New Jersey rally: Jeff Hall ran for election in California and took in almost 30 percent of the vote as an open National Socialist.

[Hall: It was a good run, it was a great run!]

Beside that unsuccessful run for local water board, Jeff organized patrols at the Mexican border, just a short drive from his home. They would show up fully armed, with night-vision equipment, and round up migrants as they crossed into the U.S. Two weeks before his death, Jeff bragged about taking his young son with him on patrol.

[Hall: My son was able to operate a Gen-1 night vision and the infrared scope. At the age of 9, my son's out at the border.]

So was being exposed to all that hate and talk of violence the reason Joseph murdered his dad?

[Hall: You got to get your Glocks cocked and get ready to rock and roll at the border.]

The more we looked, the more we realized it wasn't that cut and dry.

Megan Hall: There might have been some things that we didn't know about Jeff, that we didn't-- we wouldn't have liked.

Megan Hall, Jeff's sister, says she hated her brother's politics, but had always seen him as a model father.

Megan: He was an amazing father and would do anything for his kids. And you know, my nephew would just look at him like he was his hero.

But in the last couple of years the hero changed; darkened. Whether it was the power of being a Nazi leader, or the powerlessness of being unemployed, he drank more she says, and was prone to striking out at his son, and his wife Krista.

Megan: My brother had shown a different side to him. Not all of the time. It was on random occasions, not predictable.

Stahl: He was beating up both Joe and Krista is what we heard. Is that what you've been told?

Megan: Yuh.

Young Joseph told police that he decided to kill his dad to quote "end the son versus father thing."

Stahl: Did he describe what the abuse entailed?

Rowe: He described his father hitting him, kicking him, pushing him.

Soccio: He found himself in a situation or believed he was in a situation that required some type of desperate act. What's unusual about Joseph Hall is that his solution to it was to kill. Most children don't think about, "What I'll need to do here is kill my father."

As the police began to dig, they discovered that little Joseph was a volatile and violent child, who had been kicked out of several schools for attacking students and staff, once nearly choking a teacher with a phone-cord.

Patterson: My grandson was who he was from the time he was born.

Stahl: What do you mean?

Patterson: He has absolutely no understanding of cause and effect.

Stahl: It is so rare that a 10-year-old would kill a father.

Patterson: Uh huh. Well, but you know, I wasn't surprised by it. I just somehow felt it could always happen. But I thought it would be when he's older.

Stahl: Would this have happened if Jeff had not become a Nazi?

Patterson: I think so. Probably later. Joe was still Joe and they weren't having a lot of luck figuring out exactly what his problems were. Or how to deal successfully with them.

Little Joseph also had a history of starting fires.

Stahl: Does he raise the question of whether a killer can be preprogrammed?

Soccio: I think he had everything physically in place that it didn't take much to bring him along to thinking that murder's appropriate.

Stahl: So he was born the match, and that environment and that home lit the match. Is that a fair way to say it?

Soccio: I think it's a very fair way to say it.

Jeff's mother got custody of his four little girls, because his wife pled guilty to leaving a loaded gun in the house. And every week Patterson visits her son's young killer in juvenile hall.

Patterson: It's a struggle every day of my life. Because my son was murdered and I want justice for him.

Stahl: Yeah.

Patterson: But only at the ex-- that only happens at the expense of my grandson.

Stahl: What about politics with these children? Do you feel any obligation to teach them about Nazis?

Patterson: They're being raised conservative Republican. We need more of those in California.

Stahl: But what about Nazism?

Patterson: It's gone, for this family.

Joseph awaits trial, incarcerated at the county's juvenile hall, where he celebrated his 11th birthday. Whatever his sentence, he will likely be released by the age of 25.


Extra: Neo-Nazi killed by 10-year-old son

Extra: Breeding hatred in the U.S.

Extra: Middle class joining hate groups?

Extra: Inside America's neo-Nazi movement

60 Minutes Overtime
Inside America's neo-Nazi movement


© 2012 CBS Interactive Inc. [with comments]


A tribute to the great Christopher Hitchens (R..I.P 1949 - 2011)
Uploaded by HellenicHumanist on Dec 20, 2011


Christopher Hitchens Epic Last Words R.I.P 1949 - 2011
Uploaded by HellenicHumanist on Dec 16, 2011


Waiting for Armageddon


Religulous (2008)


The Day After (TV 1983)


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06/07/12 6:50 AM

#176877 RE: F6 #176395

Romney's (non) military record faces new scrutiny

In this Friday, May 4, 2012, file photo Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney campaigns in Pittsburgh, Pa. Romney's military background _ or, rather, lack of one _ is facing new scrutiny as he courts veterans and introduces himself to a broader segment of the population. The presumptive Republican presidential nominee is calling for a more aggressive American military. But he avoided military service at the height of the Vietnam War.
(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, File)
[ (complete story, with comments)]

In this 1966 photo taken by a photographer at the San Francisco Examiner newspaper, 19-year-old Mitt Romney, right, then a student at Stanford University, participates in a counter-protest on campus. Romney and his fellow students were reacting to a protest then being waged by other students upset with the university's student draft deferment policies. Romney sought and received four draft deferments from 1965 to 1970 during college and his time as a Mormon missionary in France. The country was cutting troop levels by the time he became eligible for service, and his draft number was not called.
(AP Photo/San Francisco Examiner)
[ (complete story, with comments)]

In this 1966 photo taken by a photographer at the San Francisco Examiner newspaper, 19-year-old Mitt Romney, far right, then a student at Stanford University, participates in a counter-protest on campus. Romney and his fellow students were reacting to a protest then being waged by other students upset with the university's student draft deferment policies. Romney sought and received four draft deferments from 1965 to 1970 during college and his time as a Mormon missionary in France. The country was cutting troop levels by the time he became eligible for service, and his draft number was not called.
(AP Photo/San Francisco Examiner)

By STEVE PEOPLES, Associated Press – June 5, 2012

SAN DIEGO (AP) — On a stage crowded with war heroes, Mitt Romney recently praised the sacrifice "of the great men and women of every generation who serve in our armed services."

It is a sacrifice the Republican presidential candidate did not make.

Though an early supporter of the Vietnam War, Romney avoided military service at the height of the fighting after high school by seeking and receiving four draft deferments, according to Selective Service records. They included college deferments and a 31-month stretch as a "minister of religion" in France, a classification for Mormon missionaries that the church at the time feared was being overused. The country was cutting troop levels by the time he became eligible for the draft, and his lottery number was not called.

President Barack Obama, Romney's opponent in this year's campaign, did not serve in the military either. The Democrat, 50, was a child during the Vietnam conflict and did not enlist when he was older.

But because Romney, now 65, was of draft age during Vietnam, his military background — or, rather, his lack of one — is facing new scrutiny as he courts veterans and makes his case to the nation to be commander in chief. He's also intensified his criticism lately of Obama's plans to scale back the nation's military commitments abroad, suggesting that Romney would pursue an aggressive foreign policy as president that could involve U.S. troops.

A look at Romney's relationship with Vietnam offers a window into a 1960s world that allowed him to avoid combat as fighting peaked. His story also demonstrates his commitment to the Mormon Church, which he rarely discusses publicly but which helped shape his life.

Romney's recollection of his Vietnam-era decisions has evolved in the decades since, particularly as his presidential ambitions became clear.

He said in 2007 — his first White House bid under way — that he had "longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam." But his actions, Selective Service records and previous statements show little interest in joining a conflict that ultimately claimed more than 58,000 American lives.

Still, he repeatedly cites his commitment to public service and the nation's military while campaigning for president.

"Greatness in a people, I believe, is measured by the extent to which they will give themselves to something bigger than themselves," Romney said in San Diego last week to a Memorial Day crowd of thousands, flush with military veterans of all ages.

He did not address his own Vietnam history that day. And his campaign has refused to comment publicly on the subject over the past week.

Political rivals, military veterans among them, suggest that Romney's own decision not to serve in the military is in conflict with his pro-military rhetoric.

"He didn't have the courage to go. He didn't feel it was important enough to him to serve his country at a time of war," said Jon Soltz, who served two Army tours in Iraq and is the chairman of the left-leaning veterans group

Critics note that the candidate is among three generations of Romneys — including his father, former Michigan Gov. George Romney, and five sons — who were of military age during armed conflicts but did not serve.

As a presidential candidate in 2007, Romney told The Boston Globe he was frustrated, as a Mormon missionary, not to be fighting alongside his countrymen.

"I was supportive of my country," Romney said. "I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there, and in some ways it was frustrating not to feel like I was there as part of the troops that were fighting in Vietnam."

Indeed, Romney strongly supported the war at first. As a freshman at Stanford University, he protested anti-war activists. In one photo, he's shown in a small crowd of students, smiling broadly, wearing a sport jacket and holding up a sign that says, "Speak Out, Don't Sit In."

But the frustration he recalled in 2007 does not match a sentiment he shared as a Massachusetts Senate candidate in 1994, when he told The Boston Herald, "I was not planning on signing up for the military."

"It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam, but nor did I take any actions to remove myself from the pool of young men who were eligible for the draft," Romney told the newspaper.

But that's exactly what Romney did, according Selective Service records. He received his first deferment for "activity in study" in October 1965 while at Stanford.

As Soltz notes, the younger Romney was under no obligation to seek a college-related deferment.

"Vietnam was a war that the poor and the people who couldn't afford to go to college had to go to," Soltz said.

After his first year at Stanford, Romney qualified for 4-D deferment status as "a minister of religion or divinity student." It was a status he would hold from July 1966 until February 1969, a period he largely spent in France working as a Mormon missionary.

He was granted the deferment even as some young Mormon men elsewhere were denied that same status, which became increasingly controversial in the late 1960s. The Mormon church, a strong supporter of American involvement in Vietnam, ultimately limited the number of church missionaries allowed to defer their military service using the religious exemption.

But as fighting in Vietnam raged, Romney spent two and a half years trying to win Mormon converts in France. About that same time, Romney's father would famously speak out against Vietnam, declaring that he had been "brainwashed" by military officials into supporting the conflict.

Young Romney's comments indicated his support had waned, too.

"If it wasn't a political blunder to move into Vietnam, I don't know what is," a 23-year-old Romney would tell The Boston Globe in 1970 during the fifth year of his deferment.

His 31-month religious deferment expired in early 1969. And Romney received an academic studies deferment for much of the next two years. He became available for military service at the end of 1970 when his deferments ran out and he could have been drafted. But by that time, America was beginning to slice its troop levels, and Romney's relatively high lottery number — 300 out of 365 — was not called.

Romney's past may not be enough to hurt his popularity in this year's election among veterans, who typically lean Republican.

A Gallup survey released last week found that veterans prefer Romney over Obama by 58 percent to 34 percent. That voting bloc, consisting mostly of older men, makes up 13 percent of the adult population. Obama won the presidency four years ago while losing veterans by 10 points to Sen. John McCain, a former Navy pilot.

Still, some veterans say Romney's reluctance to serve irks them.

"I volunteered for the draft. Romney could have, too. Simple as that," said Wade Lieseke, of Nevada, who served as a helicopter gunner in Vietnam from 1969 to 1970.

Associated Press Deputy Director of Polling Jennifer Agiesta contributed to this report.

Copyright © 2012 The Associated Press

[taken from] [original on Google; if past is prologue, link will go dark at some point; complete article also at e.g. the two sources linked under story photos above]


Romney gets pass on Vietnam avoidance
The Rachel Maddow Show
June 6, 2012

Rachel Maddow describes the series of deferments Mitt Romney was granted to avoid having to serve in the Vietnam War, contrasted with his subsequent statements about his desire to serve, and wonders why the mainstream media isn't vetting this part of Romney's life. [the above YouTube of the segment at ]


Did Young Mitt Romney Impersonate A Police Officer? Another Witness Says Yes

Did Young Mitt Romney Impersonate A Police Officer? Another Witness Says Yes

Joe Conason
June 6th, 2012 7:00 pm

When Mitt Romney was a college freshman, he told fellow residents of his Stanford University dormitory that he sometimes disguised himself as a police officer – a crime in many states, including Michigan and California, where he then lived. And he had the uniform on display as proof.

So recalls Robin Madden, who had also just arrived as a freshman, the startling incident began when Romney called him and two or three other residents into his room, saying, “Come up, I want to show you something.” When they entered Romney’s room, “and laid out on his bed was a Michigan State Trooper’s uniform.”

Madden, a native Texan who graduated from Stanford in 1970 and went on to become a successful television producer and writer [ ], has never forgotten that strange moment, which he has recounted to friends over the years as he observed his former classmate’s political ascent. The National Memo learned of the incident from a longtime Madden friend to whom he had mentioned it years ago.

Said Madden in a recent interview, “He told us that he had gotten the uniform from his father,” George Romney, then the Governor of Michigan, whose security detail was staffed by uniformed troopers. “He told us that he was using it to pull over drivers on the road. He also had a red flashing light that he would attach to the top of his white Rambler.”

In Madden’s recollection, confirmed by his wife Susan, who also attended Stanford during those years, “we thought it was all pretty weird. We all thought, ‘Wow, that’s pretty creepy.’ And after that, we didn’t have much interaction with him,” although both Madden and Romney were prep school boys living in the same dorm, called Rinconada [ ].

Other eyewitnesses have previously recalled Romney’s alleged use of a police or trooper uniform in pranks during his high school years at the exclusive Cranbrook School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

Phillip Maxwell, a prep school buddy, told the New Republic in 2008 that Romney had pulled over students from a girls school next door to Cranbrook while wearing a police uniform as a prank. Other former classmates described Mitt as a “happy-go-lucky guy known less for his achievements and more for his pranks.”

In The Real Romney, a biography published by Boston Globe reporters Michael Kranish and Scott Helman this year, another former friend recalled [ ] how Romney had “put a siren on top of his car and chased two of his friends who were driving around with their dates.” The two friends were in on the scheme, but the girls were not. There was beer in the car trunk, according to a prearranged plan. Mitt told his two counterparts to get out of their vehicle and into his car. Then they drove off, leaving the girls behind.

“It was a terrible thing to do,” said one of his accomplices ["It+was+a+terrible+thing+to+do"+Cranbrook+Graham+McDonald.&source=bl&ots=Ns1rUk5WBg&sig=0ulXfuc44L6RWs4F6WQdBXOUo48&hl=en&sa=X&ei=6azPT8rDDYOg6QHBnOi7DA&ve ], a Cranbrook classmate named Graham McDonald.

To some observers, Romney’s alleged masquerading as a cop to intimidate innocent drivers shows a character defect that is also revealed by other bullying incidents [ ] during his youth. When those incidents were disclosed in the Washington Post earlier this year, Romney issued an apology of sorts, stating that he had done “stupid” things and was sorry if he had harmed anyone.

While he may have believed that his cop antics were harmless, Romney may well have been breaking the law merely by donning a police uniform, committing a crime if he pretended to be a cop and a felony if he did so more than once. In both California [ ] and Michigan [ ], any person convicted of fraudulently impersonating a police officer may be sentenced to up to one year in prison. (The National Memo has collected some other examples of police impersonators [ ].)

The Romney campaign did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Following his sophomore year at Stanford, young Mitt left and never went back. For more than two years he served as a Mormon missionary in France — thus avoiding the obligation to wear a very different uniform [ ] in Vietnam.

With reporting by Kyle Roerink

© 2011 Eastern Harbor Media, LLC [with comments]


Mitt Romney and cop uniforms
The Last Word
June 6, 2012

Editor-in-chief of Joe Conason tells MSNBC’s Lawrence O'Donnell how he uncovered a new story about how Mitt Romney's pranks in uniform. Jon Soltz, chairman of, also weighs in. [the above YouTube of the segment at ]

icon url


06/14/12 5:44 AM

#177326 RE: F6 #176395

Mitt Romney's Mormon roots in northern England

It's well-known that Republican contender for the US presidency Mitt Romney is a Mormon - but not that his family was converted in England. He doesn't mention it on the campaign trail, but his great-great-grandfather, a Preston carpenter, became one of the first British Mormons, 175 years ago.
13 June 2012 [big piece, embedded video, resources linked]

icon url


10/13/12 11:56 AM

#188714 RE: F6 #176395

F6 .. a constitution of divine word would help galvanize any of any tendency to religious zealotry and sainthood
.. 'specially one of THE chosen people in the CHOSEN land of the New Jerusalem .. checked out personally by
Jesus, for sure .. so it was bit surprising to see Ezra Benson embellishing the truth so early in his statement there ..

"Mormons believe so - and so, presumably, would a future president Romney. Here's an extract
from a 1987 statement
(next below)] by the then-Mormon president, Ezra Taft Benson. It's worth reading the whole thing

it is though i haven't yet .. not that i didn't trust Ezra .. just that as so many others in that Mormon/Romney
library of yours it was just a wonder .. Mr. Benson, in his statement linked in the near heaven above, said ..

"The Constitution of the United States has served as a model for many nations and is the oldest constitution in use today."

which could only be true if the US constitution aged at a faster rate than San Marino's ..

"The earliest written constitution still governing a sovereign nation today may be that of San Marino. The Leges Statutae Republicae Sancti Marini was written in Latin and consists of six books. The first book, with 62 articles, establishes councils, courts, various executive officers and the powers assigned to them. The remaining books cover criminal and civil law, judicial procedures and remedies. Written in 1600, the document was based upon the Statuti Comunali (Town Statute) of 1300, itself influenced by the Codex Justinianus, and it remains in force today."

ooi .. more trivia from the same link below ..

"The Constitution of India is the longest written constitution of any sovereign country in the world,[2] containing 444 articles, 12 schedules and 97 amendments, with 117,369 words in its English language version,[4] while the United States Constitution is the shortest written constitution, at 7 articles and 27 amendments. ..

so yes it seems either from ignorance or mendaciousness Mitt Romney had a good teacher toward his habituals over years ..

thanks heaps for bringing the statement back .. other highlights of this visit were the Bill McKeever video
watched this time .. also the Cognitive Bias bingo game .. very good .. heh, this brain-snap evader mental
break has been up before, but alas still computer problems .. a search would again be too tiresome now ..:(

Carl Sagan-Cosmos edited for rednecks

Think Atheist ..

lol .. it was good to see Mr. Sourstraw's questions again (the last
one) .. oh and the sweet old lady .. frank and feisty .. luv'em .. :)

Yeah t he computer .. thank goodness there was some fun stuff on SBS ..

6:30 World News Australia

7:30 Rebuilding The Past

St Fagans - Presented by Dan Cruickshank and Charlie Luxton, this series brings back to life some of Britain's most historic buildings which no longer exist. A mysterious medieval building on the quayside at Haverfordwest was dismantled 30 years ago by a team of young apprentices. Charlie helps those same men reconstruct the seemingly fortified vaulted house at the Welsh National History Museum. Dan sets out to discover what the building actually was and uncovers stories of wealthy merchants, pirates and the English invasion of South Wales. (From the UK) (Documentary Series) (Final) G CC

8:30 Prohibition

Murder and Mayhem - Director Ken Burns tells the story of the rise and fall of Prohibition and the entire era it encompassed. In the early 1920s, while some Americans attempt to honour the Prohibition law, millions more chafe at its unintended consequences. Savvy gangsters make unprecedented profits in the beer trade, resulting in violent territorial grabs for power in cities like Chicago and Detroit. A polarising cultural difference divides America in two: the mostly 'wet', diverse cities and the 'dry' Protestant countryside. (From the US) (Documentary Series) (Part 3 of 5) PG CC

9:30 Boardwalk Empire

Nights in Ballygran - Margaret asks Nucky to shut down a bootlegging operation - but when he fails to take her complaint seriously, she angrily decides to take matters into her own hands. In Chicago, Jimmy tries to help Pearl recover from her attack, but finds Torrio wants to kick her out of the Four Deuces. Meanwhile, Eli is desperate to impress the guests at a prestigious St Patrick's Day dinner, and Rothstein becomes infuriated by press speculation. Stars Steve Buscemi, Michael Pitt and Kelly Macdonald. (From the US) (Drama Series) M (A,S,D,L) CC

10:30 Boardwalk Empire

Family Limitation - Nucky's weekly takings are stolen in a mugging on the Boardwalk - and the finger of suspicion points firmly at Luciano. In Chicago, Jimmy sees a different side of Al Capone when he joins his family for dinner, before the pair try to broker an agreement between Torrio and Sheridan. Meanwhile, Van Alden gets a surprise visit from his boss, and Margaret and Lucy have a vicious argument at the lingerie store. Stars Steve Buscemi, Michael Pitt and Stephen Graham. (From the US) (Drama Series) MAV (V,S,N) CC

11:35 A Million

This gripping South Korean thriller takes the Australian Outback as its setting for a deadly game of cat-and-mouse. Eight strangers are led to believe that they have been selected for a Survivor-style television reality show to compete for a million-dollar prize. However, as eliminated contestants start turning up dead, they realise the game has life-or-death consequences. Directed by Cho Min-ho and stars Park Hae-il, Shin Min-a, Park Hee-soon. (From South Korea, in Korean) (Thriller) (2009) (Rpt) M (A,V,L)

switched channels 'bout half way through the A ..

shucks .. missed 5:35 Rex In Rome .. luv'im too ..

.. you're right the Mormon/Romney library contents don't play like a good game .. zero-sum
stuff doesn't play well much anywhere .. 'specially in any nations foreign relations policy ..

thanks again, F6 .. another few hours inefficiently, yet well spent in those and surrounds again ..

have a good day

ps: am anticipating, unless Chris computer benefits big-time from a rest as we often do, she will be off sometime
rather early tomorrow on her way to her physical computer doctor's place .. took 1.5 hours+ to do this one ..

the one this replies to is the first of three of your links here ..

fuagf -- he's a psychopath -- as is Mitt

icon url


11/20/12 9:38 PM

#193978 RE: F6 #176395

Rep. Matheson's election victory confirmed

PAUL FOY, Associated Press
Updated 6:10 p.m., Tuesday, November 20, 2012

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Utah Republicans banked heavily on toppling Rep. Jim Matheson, a six-term Democrat in one of the country's most heavily GOP districts.

They recruited Mia Love hoping the 36-year-old mayor of Saratoga Springs and daughter of Haitian immigrants could do what a series of Republicans couldn't for a decade: knock off Matheson, a fiscally conservative "Blue Dog" Democrat. They gave Love millions of dollars and a coveted speaking slot at the Republican National Convention, where she became one of the party's faces of diversity.

It didn't work.

Matheson emerged as the official winner Tuesday with four counties adding absentee and provisional ballots to their vote totals. Matheson prevailed even as his district-wide lead narrowed to 768 on Tuesday, down from 2,646 on Election Night when he declared victory and Love reluctantly conceded defeat.

Salt Lake County officials spent weeks verifying 40,487 mail and provisional ballots — more than half of those ballots were at play in the county's 4th congressional districts and effectively called the election. The clerks had to confirm each voter's eligibility, address and precinct before adding new totals.

Love gained votes in Salt Lake County, on her home turf in smaller Utah County and in rural Juab and Sanpete counties, but it wasn't enough to overcome Matheson's slim lead — the closest of his political career.

"If they couldn't get me this time, I'm not sure they can," Matheson, 52, told The Associated Press. "The moons were lined up for Republicans— they had Mitt Romney on the ticket" as the Republican presidential candidate and backed Love with millions of dollars for an advertising war. "They threw all the money and the kitchen sink at me."

Love was on a family vacation at Disneyland and unavailable for comment, party and campaign officials said Tuesday. Utah Republican Chairman Thomas Wright said he was reluctant to write off the election until the party inspects every absentee ballot that Salt Lake County disqualified — the GOP turnout effort included a major "vote-by-mail drive," he said.

Love could demand a district-wide recount if Matheson's lead dropped from 768 to 488, the number of precincts in the district, he said.

Matheson, the son of a popular former governor, has relied heavily on Republican votes over the years — registration rolls show only 11 percent of 4th district voters are Democrat. Another 39 percent are Republicans with the rest unaffiliated.

Matheson cultivates a right-of-center voting record and was able to cut into Love's Republican base by painting her as an extremist who would cut federal programs from federal student loans to Medicare and Social Security, political analysts say.

"She was unable to persuade enough Republicans to back her," said Quin Monson, director of Brigham Young University's Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy. "Historically, Matheson has been very successful at peeling away more than a few Republican votes. It's a Republican state and a Republican district. You'd think it would be easy for Republicans to bring back some of those votes, but that hasn't been the case."

Monson added, "It's the same old story for more than 10 years: Matheson casts himself as a moderate, independent voice and his opponent as too extreme and out of touch with his district."

By Tuesday, Matheson captured 119,803 votes to Love's 119,035, according to figures from the four counties.

Love's defeat came as Republicans captured every major Utah race easily, including wins for Gov. Gary Herbert, U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch and three other congressional seats, as well as four seats in the Utah Legislature that were previously held by Democrats.

But when late Election Day returns showed Matheson eking out a narrow victory, a hush fell over the Republican election night headquarters at the Salt Lake City Hilton. Top party officials refused to concede Love had lost. The candidate herself could only offer Matheson congratulations without actually conceding in a speech to supporters.

Love later said she was "absolutely" stunned by the defeat. She would have become the first black woman elected to Congress as a Republican.

A lot of money was on the line. The candidates waged a $10 million-plus advertising war with help from outside groups. The spending by each side was roughly even in Utah's most expensive congressional race.

"She came out of the gates very strong, but he patiently chipped away at her Republican votes," said Monson, who conducted an exit poll Election Night that showed the race was too close to call.

Love got a boost from her speech in August at the Republican National Convention and appeared to be taking a lead in September polls.

But Matheson was just getting started.

"He chipped away at her, by pointing out a lot of potential red flags about her: Her readiness for the job, and ideological position on some of these issues," Monson said. "In particular, he made inroads with older voters on Medicaid and Social Security."

Republicans had only one person to blame.

"They're calling me a spoiler," said Jim Vein, the Libertarian candidate who captured what for him was a surprising 2.5 percent of the vote— enough to put Love over the top.

"I don't feel like a spoiler. Mia Love didn't run her campaign well," said Vein, 53, of Orem. "She said she didn't anticipate me, and others didn't think I'd make a splash. I've gotten some nasty emails and phone calls saying I ruined a good Republican."

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press [no comments yet]


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12/24/12 7:41 PM

#195818 RE: F6 #176395

Mormon Senator Arrested for Drunk Driving, Bad Jokes Follow

Dec 23, 2012
This holiday season is not awesome for Idaho Senator Mike Crapo, a Republican member of the "Gang of Eight [ ]" and a Mormon bishop, after police caught him driving drunk in Virginia. ...
[...] [with comments]


Mormon Republican Senator Arrested for DUI After Fateful Traffic Stop

Senator Crapo's mugshot.

By Adam Martin
December 23, 2012 at 11:00 PM

In Washington, D.C. you never know what scandal will emanate from one little red-light run, as we're now learning in the case of Michael Crapo, the Republican, Mormon, nominally teetotaling senator from Idaho, who got busted Sunday morning with a DUI [ ]. A cop pulled Crapo over in Alexandria, Virginia, after he ran the light, the Associated Press reports. "Crapo failed field sobriety tests and was arrested at about 12:45 a.m. without incident." He's now out on $1,000 bail, but his troubles are far from over. Not only is Crapo a senator with a reputation (and re-election) to worry about, he's a Mormon senator who's been public about his abstinence from liquor [ ].

It would be pretty tough to explain this one to the constituents, and Crapo isn't trying. Instead, he's cut straight to an apology [ ]: "I made a mistake for which I apologize to my family, my Idaho constituents and any others who have put their trust in me. I accept total responsibility and will deal with whatever penalty comes my way in this matter. I will also undertake measures to ensure that this circumstance is never repeated." We still don't know Crapo's blood alcohol level or where he had been drinking. But thanks to the intrepid hands at the AP, we don't have to read any farther than the lede [ ] to know how to pronounce the good senator's name: It's KRAY'-poh, ok?

Copyright © 2010 2012, New York Media LLC [with comments]


Did Dan Savage’s marriage cause Mormon GOP Sen. Crapo’s DUI?
12/24/2012 [with comments]


Anti-Gay Sen. Crapo Apologizes After Drunk Driving Arrest
12/24/2012 [with comments]


Supposedly Sober GOP Senator Michael Crapo Arrested for DUI
Dec 23, 2012 [with comments]

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04/19/14 4:45 AM

#221314 RE: F6 #176395

Family Guy: Joseph Smith Discovering the Book of Mormon

Uploaded on Feb 3, 2012 by Travis Meusai [ ]

Clip from Family Guy Episode "Foreign Affairs" where Peter teaches Meg & Chris about 'The History Of The World' & how Joseph Smith discovers the Book of Mormon... [no comments yet] [a currently-live replacement for/desription taken from the corresponding YouTube in the post to which this is a reply]


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