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06/02/12 8:20 AM

#6494 RE: freebies #6493

Very big of u. Was normal to be skeptical, we've all been burnt in pennies.. Think you'll be able to get in mon am at decent price.. Hopefully for u sideline sitters they won't put out pr till after market opens..glty


06/02/12 9:57 AM

#6504 RE: freebies #6493

Awesome! I apologize as well and am glad I am in this!


06/02/12 1:19 PM

#6541 RE: freebies #6493

the way they are marketing it that's exactly what they are trying to do....the real promotion and marketing hasnt even begun...still the first version of it and they are working out the kinks based upon user feedback...getting involved here is seriously GROUND LEVEL
