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05/30/12 2:42 AM

#71350 RE: jackpotz #71347

Compensated Awareness Post View Disclaimer
@jackpotz Thanks my friend! When I was the new girl in school, there were tons of "mean girls" every time we would move. I moved 17 times as a child, 17 new schools. It was difficult at best. When you're attractive and smart that breeds hostility especially when you're the new kid right? I got beaten up so many times as a kid and was in the guidance counselors office for bandaids and first aid more times than you can imagine. I remember one time specifically I was so sad and Maggie McCall my guidance counselor gave me some of the best advice I've ever had in my life.

She said, " Don't feel sad that people are mean to you or talk about you behind your back. It's because you're drawing attention to yourself just by being you. That is extraordinary. Never allow anyone to dim your shining light. "

It was good advice. I've learned to keep shining, keep working hard, keep positive in the face of what seems like impossible odds. I've stared at death in the face on more than one occasion.

Working with RFMK and taking them to the top is just a natural fit for me. I know that it's a diamond in the rough and that there are good people working on building the company. That combined with a great product, a great support system with investors here in it for the long haul, keeps me going.

It's been less than 30 days since I've come on board. We have an approved CANNACig prototype and an order that will be arriving soon. These are all such great things!

I'm excited. CANNACig is going to be an enormous success. Celeb product placement, patient video testimonials and revenue is what the company needs and will get.

We're going sky high with CANNACig :)
I'm proud and happy to be here.

Thanks for your kind words an support. Killing them with kindness :)

Much love and respect to all.
Cheryl Shuman :)